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Fall climbing partner!


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Looking for a partner for climbing this fall... trad, alpine, sport, I like all of it. Hoping to get practice on ice this winter too (new vipers!!). I lead 10a/b trad and sport and can follow harder. I have rack, rope, car, and a house in Leavenworth till November.


Highlights of this season so far include: Angels Crest, Peasants Route, Exasperator at Squamish; Liberty Bell (NW), NEWS (NW) at WA pass; BBQ pope, Phoenix, etc at Smith; Angel Crack on Castle Rock, Outer Space, and other trad cragging in Leavenworth, etc.


I'm 27F, I live in Seattle, have a flexible schedule (and no work Fridays!), I’m a good belayer and love adventure!


PM if you want to climb too! Cragging Sunday?




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Hi Audrey,


Im planning to fly into SeaTac on 20 or 21 sept and would like to do the DC route on Rainier. I have been out twice before but there were avalanche issues on the upper mountain so we only made it up to Ingraham Flats. If you are into doing some alpine stuff, hit me up. Im 33/m in Fayetteville, NC. Not too much alpine around here, lol. I do have somewhat of a flexibe schedule as to when I fly out and intend on being out there for 7 or 8 days. If you can make it for some of those, that would rock as my climbing partner is back in Iraq. My email is Jason7561@yahoo.com


Have a good one, Jason

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Hey Audrey,


Well if you have not found a partner to climb this fall I would love to get out and climb. I have been climbing for about 5 years, started out with sport and have been climbing more trad. Currently I lead 5.8-5.9 trad and mid 5.10s on sport. I would love to get out and climb some mid ten trad climbs if your up for leading. I have half rack, rope, and car but no house in Leavenworth, but I do have a tent! Im 24m living in seattle and working as an electrican. I would love to get out and climb at leavenworth, index, washington pass, squamish, before the season ends.


I can get out this coming up friday and Saturday and until the rain ends. Let me know if you want to go climb sometime.


Brian Wickman

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Hey Brian, Welcome to the board! :wave:


If Audrey doesn't snap you up for this weekend at Index--which she'd be crazy to pass up cuz you're an awesome partner--I may be able to fill a day or two of your dance card. I'd like to get out there Sat or Sun and work on a couple 5.9's.



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Hi Brian,


Sorry not to reply sooner (been out in the field all week...aquatic biologist, leavenworth). I'd love to get out as much as possile this fall and really hope to take advantage of this late summer fabulous weather.


I'm free sat, and sunday this weekend and would be happy to do a day of get-to-know-you cragging. Otherwise, I'm free next weekend as well.


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