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[TR] Washington Pass Area - Kangaroo Ridge and Black Peak 5/24/2008


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Trip: Washington Pass Area - Kangaroo Ridge and Black Peak


Date: 5/24/2008


Trip Report:


[font:Times New Roman] I never made it to Washington Pass when the road opened, so I was excited to go to this years Ski In. On Friday evening tanstaafl and I drove over the pass and David Parker's place. The group wasn't very big that night, but we did have a big keg of beer.


On Saturday the 24th we all drove up to the hairpin turn below the pass. After a little debate we picked some obvious slopes on Kangaroo Ridge to ski. The uphill starts in the trees then breaks out into open slopes. Two members of the group were happy in the sun, so they hung out below the upper slopes.


Dave and Snoboy pushed ahead fast and reached the ridge crest. I was behind, but I headed up the slope. I got to a high point below a melted out segment Snoboy and I had previously skied. This time I ended up with a nice drop down to the trees.






Kangaroo Ridge. The skiing is on the left side of the photo






Liberty Bell Group with Mt. Goode






Rip it up





The whole group then headed back down to Mazama for food, beer, a campfire and fun. Later that evening Fern and J showed up.


The next day a group of 5 headed off to ski and Fern and J did some nice sounding climbing down near Mazama.


The skiers picked Black Peak as a destination. We left the pass at about 9 and headed up to Lake Ann then Heather Pass. From the pass a downhill traverse take you to Lewis Lake. The weather looked a little funky but not too bad. Dave and Wayne blazed ahead up towards Black Peak. Tanstaafl and Snoboy chose to alter course and pick a new ski route. I've been thinking about skiing around Black Peak for a while, so I took off on my own following Dave and Wayne's tracks.






Black Peak. The ski route I took starts from the left side notch




I ended up reaching the notch in the east ridge of Black Peak above Wing Lake. From there I had an excellent view of Goode. I saw Dave and Wayne on the summit of Black, but the snow above me looked thick and mushy. I picked my location as my high point.










I had a fantastic ski down to Lewis Lake and then a short traverse back to Heather Pass. I waited a bit fro Dave and Wayne then the three of us had a nice ski down to Lake Ann. A short ski down brought us back to the rig.






Descent to Lake Ann




Everybody ended up at the cabin for more fun. Three new folks showed up at the cabin and we all had a fun evening.


The rain did pick up a bit Sunday evening. It stayed with us into Monday. We all had a lazy breakfast then packed up and headed home. A few of us stopped at the pass. The weather wasn't too bad, but we didn't have enough motivation to ski more, so we headed home.


All and all I had a great time, and I'm very very happy to be back to skiing after a long time off. I went to last years Ski In, but due to health issues I couldn't ski then. [/font]


Gear Notes:


Skis, Boots, poles, and most importantly pants


Approach Notes:


If you're going towards Black Peak the hike to Heather Pass and then Descent to Lewis Lake is the way to do it for north side routes

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