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Phelix Creek and Mt Sproatt Winter Access Issues


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Cross-posted from the freshiezone in case there are non-skiers who feel strongly about non-motorized winter recreation in Sw BC:



BC is in the process of implementing a land-use accord for the areas around Whistler and Pemberton. This would seek to designate various areas as non-motorized, motorized, and shared use in an effort to reduce conflict in the backcountry.


The process in general has gone well and the draft was expected to be binding/implemented next spring. A pdf of the various designations each area has received can be viewd here:



Unfortunately, the process is being threated at the last minute by two things:


1. A group of snowmobilers are complaining that they weren't adequately consulted (which is b.s. since the process has been open to comment for years now). They would like the area around Phelix Creek north of Pemberton to have snowmobile access. This area has a long history of backcountry skiing, and currently does not have any sledable routes available through the valley. They would like a trail carved through the forest to pass into the next valley. There is a backcountry skiing cabin situated in this valley.



2. Mt Sproatt directly across the valley from Whistler has long been non-motorized and is very popular for backcountry skiing day trips. A snowmobile tour company wants to set up operations on Sproatt.


If you have ever backcountry skied in SWBC and appreciate the need for non-motorized areas where you can ski without the whine and stink of sleds, then now is the time to speak up.


I think the Ministry needs to hear how many people these two proposals would piss off, and would be especially keen to hear from folks in the US who love skiing in BC.


Please forward all comments by Wednesday, November 21, 2007 to:


Ross Kreye, Planning Officer,

Integrated Land Management Bureau,

10428 153rd Street,

Surrey, B.C.

V3R 1E1





Subject: Phelix Creek and Mt. Sproatt areas of the Sea-to-Sky Land Resource Management Plan




more info can be found here:




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Snowmobile access surrounding Phelix Creek (Brian Waddington Hut) - please consider writing a letter!!!


The future of backcountry skiing at Phelix Creek is being decided. A group of snowmobilers from the D'arcy area are applying directly to the government to change the Phelix Creek basin's designation to allow motorized access. This would mean that the access road and the entire alpine area around the Brian Waddington hut, including the Lord of the Rings group, would have snowmobilers running all over it.


The ILMB (Integrated Land Management Bureau) has sent in Kevin Kriese from Smithers as arbitrator in this case, and he is currently leaning towards the sledders' position. This change WILL happen unless we can convince him otherwise. What the community needs is an avalanche of letters to Kevin Kriese opposing the conversion and supporting the Sea to Sky Winter Backcountry Forum, which established the original non-motorized designation for the area.


Please write (and print, and sign, and mail) a letter ASAP and tell everyone you know that has a stake in this issue to do the same. It is crucial to mention the incompatibility of backcountry skiing and snowmobiling, since the current argument runs that the two groups can just share the area and everything will be hunky-dory. We need to make it clear that the presence of snowmobilers is detrimental to the skiing experience and that this is not a case of sharing, but rather of pushing out one very large and active group in order to make room for another, comparatively small one.


Also, please, please, please be civil. This should NOT be about a personal grudge between skiers and sledders. We have to stick to addressing the use conflict in this particular area and the abuse of the Backcountry Forum that is going on (the sledders applying to the gov't for the change either declined to participate in the forum or agreed to the initial designation of Phelix as non-motorized and have simply changed their minds). A reasonable deadline for letter writing would be January 21.


Contact info and much, much more background information on the issue is at: http://www.ubc-voc.com/wiki/Sea_to_Sky_Backcountry_Forum


Please note that it seems that the ILMB will now only be considering unique written letters from individuals. Just signing an online petition doesn't count. If you care about this issue, please get started on writing a letter to ILMB!!


Many thanks, also on behalf of the Varsity Outdoor Club, Vancouver, B.C.


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