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Please Mr raindawg


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Dear Mr. raindawg

My name is Tommy and I live in North Bend I am 17 years old and I climb at Fun Forest

I have a drivers license but I have to have my dad to drive , so after school me and my friend named Randy grab our climbing gear and bicycles and ride from North Bend up the Iron horse Trail to Fun Forest, it takes us a long time to ride that far. The last time I was at the Fun Forest, I saw an older man hanging on a rope on my most favorite route ever and he was smashing the hangers. I ask him who he was and what he was doing, he said his name was ancient warrior and he was chopping the route because back in the day when him and raindawg climbed, this route would have been considered crap,I ask him if he or Mr. raindawg had climbed the route, he said the rock god raindawg doesn’t climb any more but they had discussed this route on CC.com and it was not worthy.

Mr. raindawg I climbed the route when it was a tope rope and it was quite easy, you could go any where on the face, but once it was bolted you had to stay with the bolts or look at a bad fall, and hanging on to make the clips was the hardest part, me and Randy worked the climb for a long time to be able to send, we were so jazzed. I like to bring my friends to Fun Forest to show them how hard I can climb, we would all just hang out, climb and have fun, and my girlfriend would always say you’re such a stud when I would send. I know you don’t think the climb worthy but me and Randy think it is the most awesome climb ever, if you could please talk to Mr. Ancient Warrior, and please ask him to replace the bent over hangers. You should have seen Randy’s face when he saw it, he looked just like the day he dropped his snow cone! I though he was going to cry!

Please Mr. raindawg, you don’t climb there, please don’t take the most awesome climb ever from us.



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Dear Mr. raindawg

My name is Tommy and I live in North Bend I am 17 years old and I climb at Fun Forest

I have a drivers license but I have to have my dad to drive , so after school me and my friend named Randy grab our climbing gear and bicycles and ride from North Bend up the Iron horse Trail to Fun Forest, it takes us a long time to ride that far. The last time I was at the Fun Forest, I saw an older man hanging on a rope on my most favorite route ever and he was smashing the hangers. I ask him who he was and what he was doing, he said his name was ancient warrior and he was chopping the route because back in the day when him and raindawg climbed, this route would have been considered crap,I ask him if he or Mr. raindawg had climbed the route, he said the rock god raindawg doesn’t climb any more but they had discussed this route on CC.com and it was not worthy.

Mr. raindawg I climbed the route when it was a tope rope and it was quite easy, you could go any where on the face, but once it was bolted you had to stay with the bolts or look at a bad fall, and hanging on to make the clips was the hardest part, me and Randy worked the climb for a long time to be able to send, we were so jazzed. I like to bring my friends to Fun Forest to show them how hard I can climb, we would all just hang out, climb and have fun, and my girlfriend would always say you’re such a stud when I would send. I know you don’t think the climb worthy but me and Randy think it is the most awesome climb ever, if you could please talk to Mr. Ancient Warrior, and please ask him to replace the bent over hangers. You should have seen Randy’s face when he saw it, he looked just like the day he dropped his snow cone! I though he was going to cry!

Please Mr. raindawg, you don’t climb there, please don’t take the most awesome climb ever from us.



I'm guessing that any response you get from anyone will sound something like this: "Tommy, you need to stay in the gym and grow up".

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ps, they got snow cones in the gym for your buddy, but heres a virtual one fer free:



And whats a snowcone without some clowns lil Timmy? (preemptive Dwayner clownpunch post)




Yup, I believe these boys is out there in the woods at "Fun Forest" just waiting to meet up with some young stuff such as yerself.....


Edited by billcoe
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