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Osprey Aether 60 - Any beta please


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Aether 60


Has anyone ever used thjis pack? I am looking for some feedback on this pack. Looking to use it for a general alpine pack, want it big enough to do two - three day volcano mountaineering trips, but light/small enough to use on shorter lighter trips.


It seems like a good balance between pack weight, pack size, and ability to carry loads.


Any info appreciated.

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The Osprey packs have always seemed over-engineered to me. The wing-compression idea...just a not-me-too gimick at the expense of needless weight and complexity?


Whatever. Personally, I stick with Arcteryx'. Clean, simple, bullet-proof, not over-priced, and they've got the science of molding foam down pat. Like I said, "Whatever".


[big Drink]

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I have used three Osprey packs and they were all extraordinarily comfortable load carriers. Osprey seems to be particularly good at building packs that keep weight close to your body and that ballance well. I still use an Osprey Zealot whenever I need to carry a load. It is a great pack and I am still mad that they stopped making it. The aether 60 is probably the closest thing to the Zealot that they make now (though the aether 60 is smaller). I am disapointed with the apearance of the new Osprey packs, and the larger sizes are too heavy, but if they are as comfortable and versatile as the older models then I'd get one. I would agree that the Ospreys are typically a bit over built for lighter loads, but I just take the internal frame parts out of mine and it turns into a basic alpine rucksack much like the arcteryx. The internal frame makes it great for long volcanoe aproaches with a heavy load, and then you just strip the pack down and cinch it tight for summit day/steeper climbing.

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The Aether 60 looks like a cool pack - light with the right amount of volume. I use a Khamsin 50 and often wish for another 10 liters. Then I suck it up and leave all that extra stuff at home. But I'll crack sooner or later and get either an Arc'teryx Khamsin 62, the Aether 60 or the Mountainsmith Auspex.


A buddy of mine owns an Aether 75 which he carried on a five day Green Mtn/Buckindy/Chaval traverse. There wasn't enough padding in the hip belt and he finished the trip with bleeding, oozing raw spots about 3" on either side of the base of his spine. He now replaces the hip belt with a regular Osprey hip belt when he hauls heavier loads and that seems to help.

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