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Wallowas - Ice Lake - Craig Peak


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Looking for info on the Wallowas. I've done some research and think I have captured some of my long lost memories as a 11 year old Boy Scout (too many years ago)hiking up to Ice Lak with my Troop. I have had a fascination with mountains all my life but never became what one would call a mountaineer. I've climbed (hiked) some of the soutwest tallest, Mt. Hood, and an attempt atn Mt. Rainier this June. Got to about 13,500, weather, long story ... Back to Ice Lake. I remember seeing a mountain and having the desire to climb it. The troop master would of course have nothing to do with it. But I am trying to figure out what I was looking at. I now know one can see both the Matterhorn and Sacajawea from Ice Lake but I was wondering if what I was looking at might be Craig Peak, which seems closer to the lake and more distinctive. Does anyone have any knowledge of this peak, how high, difficutly in climbing, etc.?

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Yes, I have seen Craig Peak from Ice Lake as well. In June the snowy face looked about 40 degress, but it was hard to tell. My guess is that when it's melted out (think now - oct?) it's probably pretty prone to rockfall. Late spring or early summer would probably be your best bet.


That being said, there are others here more familiar with the area who may do more than spread rumors and lies.


Good luck.


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