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"Bryan Caplan, an economist at George Mason University, has attracted notice for raising a pointed question: Do voters have any idea what they are doing?....Caplan argues that “voters are worse than ignorant; they are, in a word, irrational — and vote accordingly.” Caplan’s complaint is not that special-interest groups might subvert the will of the people, or that government might ignore the will of the people. He objects to the will of the people itself."


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You guys know about that massive damn on the Yangste river in China? It has displaced more than a million people.


That is what happens when voting is out of the question. No matter how irrational it may be.


I don't like to fall into these stupid parties, but I vote, and tend to be a democrat.........

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Please get the picture right or shut up.


I did have the correct picture - you are the bitch holding the bag catching the shit the Republicans dump out


Yea and I'm feeding that shit to you.


You are your ilk do try to convince us that excrement is extremely good for our health. We are wise, we know better. :D

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I'll bite. I don't think voters are irrational. The reality is that when you vote for a candidate you are voting for a complex platform and a person who will make a large number of decisions during his term. But people tend to seize on only one or two issues and ignore all the others.


The issues they care about are voted on rationally, but the end result is that all the other issues are voted on irrationally. Case in point: abortion.


There are a number of people for whom this one issue trumps all others. They could really care less about ANY of the other issues, trivial ones, like war and peace, the economy...

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I'll bite. I don't think voters are irrational. The reality is that when you vote for a candidate you are voting for a complex platform and a person who will make a large number of decisions during his term. But people tend to seize on only one or two issues and ignore all the others.


The issues they care about are voted on rationally, but the end result is that all the other issues are voted on irrationally. Case in point: abortion.


There are a number of people for whom this one issue trumps all others. They could really care less about ANY of the other issues, trivial ones, like war and peace, the economy...


Excellent example as it hold true from both sides.

The real issue they care about is either allowing a person a free choice, or stopping the wholesale butchering of our unborn babies.

After these points neither side cares about anything else. However, they justify the other positions on the platform, such as war, defense, economy, etc. that fit with their ideology on the one issue they really care about; abortion.

I totally agree with you on this point.


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