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The Bora 80 thread below inspired me to start this thread.


Been backpacking for years now, starting to make the leap to alpine climbing (PNW Cascades). I have a Bora 80 that is a few years old, but in good shape. I am looking to supplement it with another pack used for shorter light and fast trips or for summitting. The Arc'teryx Naos pack has been intriguing me for awhile now, especially the 45 or 55L.


Does anyone have any experience with it? If you don't have any experience with it, but have plenty of experience in the hills, perhaps you can look over these links and give me your impression of what its performance or hinderances might be.





Thanks a bunch.

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Dude. 45-55L isn't for summits, it's for 1-3 day trips. An 80L pack is for... ummm... uhhh... I have no idea.


I don't know about the Naos, I just thought I'd chime in on size.


Quick thought....a bit heavy for alpine, and they are super expensive. I think the welded waterproofness is a great idea for weeklong trips in the PNW, but for me if the forecast is such that I think I need a waterproof pack - probably going to make other non-alpine plans. Also, it doesn't have much in the way of gear loops or a hypalon protective patch on the back for crampons, etc.


great, thanks eric. that's the kind of input i was searching for.


also, perhaps i should ammend my first post by saying "getting into alpine climbing, and perhaps some big volcanoes". there is somewhat of a difference, yes yes?


i'd much appreciate it if someone who stumbled upon this thread who has used a Naos would chime in, but if there is no such person, then oh wells.


thanks again.


Actually, as I look around some more, this Black Diamond Sphynx 32 looks like it could work. Very minimal on the external features, but it is hydration compatible, is just over 3 lbs, and stripping the aluminum frame takes another pound off.


And it's far cheaper, so that is good.


I have a sphinx 32 litre and like it quite a bit, but I find it a bit heavy for a 32 litre pack, check out MEC's Alpine Light packs I have a 45 and really like it they make a 35 as well I believe. They are inexpensive to boot.

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