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If I remember right, this climb started near some little pinnicles and went left from the base of the ridge. But I think we meandered a bit because there were a lot of variations to chose from. When I am home tonight I'll check my book and see if I took any notes on gear and whatnot. Sorry, but my memories of this climb are overshadowed by my memories of getting my braid caught in the ATC whilst rapping down Super Slab. I think I tore out some brain tissue.


I'll look for my notes though...


Sorry, but my memories of this climb are overshadowed by my memories of getting my braid caught in the ATC whilst rapping down Super Slab. I think I tore out some brain tissue.


Geez, while in the Basic Mounty course I witnessed a gal totally rip off most of her scalp doing the same thing. That, and the fact the climbing leader fell and shattered both his ankles the next day kind of turned me off a little.


Years ago in college, when it didn't matter what I looked like cuz I didn't have a job anyway cantfocus.gif, I got my beard caught in my Sticht plate. That was the end of my "Z Z Top" beardage...

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