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Daryll Hatten story


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From ST, and Ron Olevsky


One time in '76 a bunch of us were sitting around a table in C4 when one of the demi-gods himself, Yvon of Coonyard strolls through.


The boldest among us, one Daryl Hatten, without consulting the rest leaps to his feet and calls out," Hey Yvon! Wanna see how to use a tube chock as a bong?"


Intrigued (perhaps this is a canadian thing eh?) Yvon saunters over to the table as the rest of us look on in nervius awe.

"I made tube chocks so that you didn't HAVE to use bongs."


We had sinned. We had violated the laws of gear evolution. We shook and wept with shame.

"No no" says Daryl, and produces a tube chock with tape over one end as well as the opposing two holes. Into the one 'slider wider' hole there is a thimble with numerous tiny holes punched through it. Into this is placed some herbage and Daryl proceeds to light up and puff away happily.


He then hands the contraption to the great Coonyard himself and we hold our breath involuntarily.

Gingerly at first the gear impresario inhales from the open tube and then releases his finger from the carb.


Suddenly he belches out a cloud of weed coughing uncontrolably and we all laugh in relief.


Daryl was a rascal. I'll miss him.

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I climbed the NW face of Half Dome with Daryl and Dave Yerian and a guy named Mike Hernandez. I had just met Daryl and he was all that I had heard. A truly great climber and a really fun guy to hang with. Daryl was broke, so i got him some smokes, and he made some funky aiders with a bunch of slings and we were off. Daryl did all the aid pitches and I did the hard free stuff. He was very fast and had impeccable technique. We would haul with a nine mil and if I was still at it when he got to the belay he would just start to hand over hand the rest. wow. He cleaned about a dozen pins off the route and when we got to the top he was the first one down. I was the second down and Daryl already had the pins sold and was waiting with the cold Coors. I will never forget Daryl, especially after meeting all his Canadian buddies at the Memorial on Squamish Chief last year. A great bunch of guys. Long live his memory.

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Mark, Thanx again. I passed the word and that thread you turned me on to has become quite a good one, probably one of the best I've ever seen on these climbing forums. Anyone that knew Daryl should check out the above link from Mark.

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