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Early morning joke break, Halloween edition


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Q: Why don't mummies take vacations?


A: They're afraid they might unwind.



Q: What's a monster's favorite play?


A: Romeo and Ghouliet.



Q: What do witches put on their hair?


A: Scare spray.



Q: What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?


A: Bamboo.



Q: What's a mummy's favorite type of music?


A: Wrap.



Q: Why don't angry witches ride their brooms?


A: They're afraid they might fly off the handle.



Q: What do you call a ghost who gets to close to a bonfire?


A: A toasty ghosty.

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Honey, what you need is some good early morning sex, you know the kind that you don,t even know it's happening until you are half way there? Spraying at 6:55 on a sunday morning, holy smokes. But then again who am I to talk.


Now, how do you know I wasn't having hot wild sex with 6 Latinos and a Jewess, and I had to take a break or die from exhaustion, and I hopped onto cc.com with some Halloween Jokes minutes before being pulled back into the melee of bodies and whips and chains and Cheese Whiz?


Huh?!? You don't know, that's how.


Goes to show, you just never know. smirk.gif

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