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Stuff for sale


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After my latest gearwhore spendathon, the guilt has built up and I need to get rid of a few things I have 5 or 6 duplicates of. I'm not interested in shipping anything, so it is pickup only.


I have a Acryteryx RT 25 Pack - black in color fine back, but I don't use it and have another pack in my quiver in that size range. Make me an offer ...SOLD


I have a Petzl Duo headlamp for sale. It works great, but I got me a MYO5 now. You can get an LED upgrade kit for this thing. $20.


I may sell my BD Shrike set (actually I have two hammers and and adze) or a may not. Can't decide right this second.

I'll add stuff to this post as I remember what other stuff I packratted away.

Edited by olyclimber
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Not to pick nits, but you can only have one duplicate of an item, Oly. What you mean is (trust me, I read minds) "a few things I have sextuplicates or septuplicates of."


But what you really mean is (see above) "a few things of which I have sextuplicates or septuplicates."


Oops! Wrong forum. Carry on.

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