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[TR] South Sister- Blown Away Ridge 5/23/2005


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Climb: South Sister-Blown Away Ridge


Date of Climb: 5/23/2005


Trip Report:

The weather is finally becoming corn friendly in Central Oregon, so it was high time to hop on the bro's and get some from the sisters.


With super secret insider beta from special agent jlag, a corn warning had been issued for east facing aspects up in them thar hills.... even after a late start, this home boy was stoked to finally be out gettin himself some corn. The target for the day: Blown Away Ridge on South Sister.


Blown Away Ridge??? wtf? Well, I suppose you could call it a SE ridge, but that is so lame, and the first time I was on the ridge, high winds were actually picking up pieces of light pumice and chucking them at me..... thus Blown Away Ridge.


Per Skyclimbs' tr, there was about a 1/2 mile of boot packing up the Fall Creek, Green Lakes trail (bleh) until skinable goods were found. Fortunately, the mosquitos were still slumbering, and the shade of the tree's made for a delightful skin.



looking so damn good, this weekend, SW face of btop will go off


Blown Away ridge is accessed via the valley between the Newberry and Miller Lava Flows. The route offers a great alternative to the normal Devils Lake->Super Flat south side slog. It is also much more scenic:




The ridge held snow all the way to the Lewis Glacier moraine which made for quick travel. Because of a late start, the 9k and change at the moraine would be my high point for the day (and the corn was uber ripe and i really wanted to ski).



South Sister from blown away ridge


There was a very thin rain crust on top of the snow which was easily broken through and offered the fanazmo sizzling bacon noise as wet sluff skimmed down the surface. The turns were superb, and the surroundings were amazing.


The best turns of the day were had on Yin/Yang slope (aptly named by cletus) which is east facing 7800'ish. The 900'+ of turns down the slope beckoned for a second lap.



eight equals d


A good time was had by all, well by me, cuz I was the only gaper out there today.


My friends, the spring ski in will be goin off this weekend, get down here and get it!!!


Approach Notes:

1/2 mile of walking on trail, first bridge over fall creek to green lakes clear... lakes are still fully snowed in.

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