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TR-Viral Lung Infection


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The doctor wouldn't give it a name beyond "viral". After listening to the upper part of my chest, she just looked at me funny and said, "You need treatment. It's a good thing you brought a book, you will be here a while." 3 doses of nebulized albuterol later (each one giving me the equivalent of the DT shakes) I got a shot in my "hip" that sent pain down my entire leg and left me unable to sit for about ten minutes. The doc came back several pages later and listened to the upper and lower part of my chest, commenting that now she could hear something. She let me know my blow test was showing my lungs at "almost" 60% capacity.


I call it Living Hell. It's one of those kinds of things that makes you feel like you are living in the second half of your life. I have been constantly hacking hard enough for the last week to make these little spikes of pain in various parts of the front of my skull. The innumerable teaspoons of viscous, blood-laced phlegm quit on Sunday-a day after the wickedness of the multi-part steroid program started. Now it is just a dry hack, with sharper pains in my skull due to there being no mucus to push against.


Forecast for the week is nothing but sun.

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