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Condi sez Iran Human Rights Abysmal


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The prison population is over 2million,


Let's follow this 'logic'. The US has 2 million people in prison. This is a violation of human rights, because... committing crimes is a human right, I suppose.



The US has so many people in prison, because we can afford to find, prosecute and incarcerate criminals, and a large number of people are committing crimes. And that's people, as in citizens - not government thugs of a tyrannical regime - like Iran.


People in prison in other countries with *actual*, poor human rights records incarcerate people without just cause and without due process.


Iran is a shithole. Just because you hate the Bush administration does not mean you need to make ridiculous comparisons with other countries, and make idiotic moral equivalency arguments. Unless of course you hate America itself - or perhaps simply project self-loathing or general misanthropy to your fellow citizens.


gun deaths average over 30,000 per year and the number of people waiting to be put to death hovers around 3400. What a bunch of animals.


3400 waiting to be put to death. The operative word is "waiting". And waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Most will die of old age in prison. Some will be freed on DNA evidence, or some technicality. And a small number will actually be executed.


In Iran, prisoners don't need to wait very long to have their sentences carried out. Keeps down the numbers "waiting" I suppose...


As for "gun deaths" (I question the statistics), that has nothing to do with government tyranny or human rights violations, but crime. Those guilty of murder should be... incarcerated. Wait, we have 2 million in prison already. Where is the consistency in your statements (answer: there is none). Morevoer, in tyrannical regimes with poor human rights, gun deaths are attributed to the GOVERNMENT. In the US, they are attributed to CITIZENS. Big difference...

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