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First, I have a confession...I climbed bolts today. blush.gif



“Be careful,” murmured the pale faced man. I nodded.


It was seven hours ago when I awoke ahead of my alarm clock. My usual anticipation. Today would be good day, we were going ice climbing. I quietly sorted out my gear in preparation for the day’s work, careful not to awake my roommate. Classes ended at noon and I wanted to leave as soon as possible.


At noon I raced back to my dorm room where my phone blinked, indicating a message. My partner bailed, he couldn’t go. I haven’t been on ice in more then two weeks and was looking forward to swinging the tools. I was frustrated, but it was alright, I had a backup plan.


A quick phone call confirmed a trip to Frenchman Coulee, today we would climb rocks.


As we approached Vantage it was an unusually warm, blue sky day. I was satisfied to get out, but secretly wished I could be on ice. It was there that I pointed out a helicopter heading our way, fast. “Maybe someone died,” I said. A statement I would later regret.


The helicopter landed approximately 200 feet from our vehicle, it was terribly loud. An ambulance, police car, fire truck, and miscellaneous support vehicles filled the feathers parking lot. In the middle sat a lone white jeep. Medical crews raced back and forth. “Oh, shit,” someone whispered.


From a distance we watched as a man was loaded into the back of the helicopter. Meanwhile a fireman approached us, we drilled him with questions. Perhaps it was someone we knew? “He fell 35 feet,” said the officer. “He’s not dead.” The helicopter took off and the crews began to pack up.


After a short discussion we decided we would stick to our plans and climb. It was on our approach to the base of the wall that we came upon two fire officials escorting a pale faced, shocked looking man, his belay hand was covered in thick bandages. It was nobody I new, I acknowledged him with a quick nod, and continued onward.


As we rounded the backside of the Feathers climbing area, sure enough, there were 5 pieces of protection up the wall stopping just short of the pillar top were the man fell 35 feet to the ground.


I didn’t know if it would be a good idea, but I ran back to the pale faced man and told him I would recover his gear if he wanted. He thanked me while the fire department wrote out his contact information to give to me, he was all bandaged up. Again, I was told to “be careful.” It was nobody I new, yet I felt saddened for the man and his partner. I retrieved his gear.


I have my own theories of what happened. We as people like to find blame in incidents, but fault has no place in such accidents. Shit happens, its part of the game we call “climbing.” If anything, it was a good reminder to the dangers we face.



On a good note, the waterfalls at Vantage look sweeet!!!!


-Craig Gyselinck

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