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[TR] Philadelphia Mountain- Klenke Route 11/26/2004


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Climb: Philadelphia Mountain-Klenke Route


Date of Climb: 11/26/2004


Trip Report:

Concerned by the weather forecast of several inches of freshiez and freezing levels around 1500 ft, we chose a mellower objective that shouldn't have any road access problems. The weather dudes completely bungled the forecast, but no problem, I wasn't about to complain about the good weather!


After a mid-morning start, we made good time up to Lake Serene (no snow). From there, the west ridge of Phillie was mostly open forest, though we spent most of our time weaving around or crawling through alder thickets.


We got to the "top", unable to find a clear view of Index. The summit ridge is completely treed. My altimeter registered 100-200 feet below the summit, so we wandered along the ridge, going up and down, for about 10 minutes trying to find the true summit. When we thought we found it, we peeked at my altimeter... 10 feet higher than when I last checked. So we decided that it was a waste of time to continue searching for the "summit," and we made it back down to Lake Serene before dark.


We brewed up some spiked hot cocoa and enjoyed a variety of leftover turkey, homemade hummus, homemade chocolate chip cookies, etc. The hike out was uneventful, though the last part of the trail always seems to take longer than it should.


Gear Notes:

we didn't bring snowshoes.

didn't need them either.

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Klenke route? Why so?

Oh yes, that's right. I own it. Pay your fare to use my route. Pay up.


Here's a shot of Philadelphia in front of Mt. Index (taken from the slopes of Gunn Peak):


And the same from Mt. Baring:



Thanks for the info. I've always been curious about summit views or lack thereof. I've heard they're there if you search for them.

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