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Steve House coming to Eugene 11/4/04


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Patagonia Alpinist Steve House

Thursday, November 4, 7:30 PM

100 Willamette Hall, University of Oregon


The Outdoor Program is proud to team up with Patagonia and McKenzie Outfitters to host a benefit for Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition (SOS). SOS is a coalition of over 50 conservation organizations, sport and commercial fishing associations and businesses committed to protecting and restoring Pacific Northwest wild salmon, and the communities that depend upon them. Patagonia athlete Steve House is one of the most respected young alpinists in the world today. He combines his rock and ice climbing skills with vast mountaineering experience to move extremely fast on alpine and ice routes. Noted climbs include the first solo ascent on Denali's Beauty Is a Rare Thing, The Gift on Mount Bradley, a new route on Howse Peak (Banff, B.C.) called M-16 and most recently an ascent on Canada's North Twin. Steve has just returned from Pakistan where he continued to push the level of modern alpinism with solo ascents and projects most people never even dream of tackling. Come see his photo essay of his trip to the Middle East and the next great objective. Admission is free, donations to SOS will be accepted at the door.

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