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Post some poems. I know you've all written some Geek_em8.gif. Maybe about the mountain, maybe not. Maybe you will just write it for kicks and a laugh after reading this. Bring it on rockband.gif. I could use some entertainment.


I always liked this one on the front flap of the book Aztec.


You tell me then

that I must perish

like the flowers that I cherish

nothing remembered of my name

nothing remembered of my fame

but the gardens I planted still are young

the songs I sang will still be sung...


...And just to be fair and provide some fodder for the fire, here's one of mine I wrote a few days ago (and is at hand). Feel free to scrutinize.


The moon dance

the river lance

my soul dives

the turning moon cries


The sun sighs

tomorrow hides

But now

there is no foul


This second descends

the moment defends

No time can taint

This day I paint


---a picture

of my adventure

an instant

not distant


The mountain high

the bird cry

The thunder cloud

the booming sound pounds loud


My ears

my fears

all emotion

such commotion


Yes the moment

a torment

a mighty ship

a journey leapt


It all makes sense

I'm not dense

Everything rings

And truth sings


Give and take

This life you make

Good and bad

Take and be glad


edit to add a poem that is more outdoor related. cantfocus.gif


Edited by AllYouCanEat
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