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'n GU Filled H0rs3c0ck."


welcome cascadeclimbers

07 Feb 2003


greetings 'n welcome da cascadeclimbers n' shit. be sho check out da recent trip reports here 'n read up on da latest access news here as well." The ever popular message board can be found here n' shit.


event calendar

don't forget check da up coming distractions on da event calendar, know what I'm sayin'? if yo' ass are planning an outing or an event please post yo' events here so that da sprayers can remain informed, know what I'm sayin'?


cc.com brought yo' ass by

cascadeclimbers is brought yo' ass by da letters H 'n C, 'n is supported by da generous donations of sprayers like yo' ass! Click Here learn how support cc.com." izzle site is also supported through generous donations of local gear retailers, know what I'm sayin'? please support yo' local gear shops by visiting da hot deals page, know what I'm sayin'?


cc.com swag

yo' ass can also support da site in style by picking up some gaper gear, check this page fo' details



CC.Com Picnic

20 Apr 2004


5/4/2004 Climber's Picnic at Woodland Park


Join us, Tuesday, May 4, at 6:30 p.m., fo' a barbeque 'n slides at Picnic Shelter number in Woodland Park n' shit. Bring something share, a story, slides, yo' kids, or just a warm handshake."


Once again, we're having da Spring Picnic." This time da venue will be in Upper Woodland park." 20 years ago, da famed climbers picnic used happern here every year." Welcome Home!


Directions: From northbound Aurora, exit right approximately .5 miles north of N. 50th Street (poorly marked turn) or drive up a park roadway from W. Greenlake Way N. near da swimming stadium 'n da golf course at da south end of Greenlake." The picnic shelter is near da lawn bowling 'n horse shoe pits."



Tom Hornbein Fundraiser fo' Mt n' shit. Hood

22 Dec 2003

Hey izzall - We're throwing a funraising event wit Tom Hornbein 'n Barbara Brower support izzle work protect Mt." Hood 'n Cooper Spur, know what I'm sayin'?


Check that shiznit out n' shit.


I hope see some of yo' ass there, know what I'm sayin'?







Wass New

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Keeler Needle Trip Report

My End Of da Year TR: Hurricane Ridge

Keeler Needle Trip Report

Jim Nelson 'n my wife, know what I'm sayin'?

Rainier Ingraham Direct TR




Latest Informative Shiznit

CC.Com Picnic

Event: Denali by Human Power

Tom Hornbein Fundraiser fo' Mt, know what I'm sayin'? Hood




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DMM vs MEtolius TCUs

Rappelling as a sport?

Climbing stuff on sale at REI

wie climb

WANTED: A dead, tired, (almost) useless rope n' shit. ..

More gear theft

[TR] Colchuck Peak- N. E. Couloir 5/22/2004

May 28th-31st Climb

i'm lazy - here's a question




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Argonaut NE Gully

Contributed by: EJohnson

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"Climb high, slack higher n' shit. " 95' highline at Gemini Bridges n' shit. Photo: NFC


Photo submitted May 18th by areyoumydude



Featured Gear Reviews

Gripped Magazine by tattooed_climber

Asolo AFS 8000 by zoob

Petzl Equipment GriGri by ontario_guide

FiveTen Hueco by roc-dude

Mammut Psyco by daisuke

Mad Rock Mugen by stick233

Omega Pacific Standard Oval by yay_chris

La Sportiva USA Katana by captianstatic

Suunto Brunton Eclipse by bigdrop

Nalgene Nalgene Bottle by maculated




Featured Article

Slipstream Apr 27


Tag along wit Michael Gray as tha dude returns tha dude's favorite town n' shit. His vivid writing style lets yo' ass feel 'n smell da scene as if yo' ass are there n' shit. ..


Sweat trickles slowly along my neck, drying in da bomb diggity breeze that wafts through da open door, know what I'm sayin'? ..




FREE Subscription

Rockclimbing.com is sponsoring what we believe will be da first 'n hopefully da best exclusively climbing magazine delivered FREE directly yo' personal email account n' shit. This E-zine (Electronic Magazine) is fo' those of yo' ass who don't has a lot of time scour da Net every day fo' da latest 'n greatest climbing information." For those of yo' ass who has no life outside da web, even yo' ass might be surprised at da bomb diggity information we bring yo' ass." Yo' ass'll read breaking news, bomb diggity original articles 'n content, recent popular topics, fun stats, giveaways, 'n reviews on da latest gear 'n trends, know what I'm sayin'?

- Delivered weekly or monthly

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Top Users

Moved Top Users 'n da Featured User da new Users Frontpage." Take a look, we hope yo' ass like that shiznit, know what I'm sayin'?


Go da Users Frontpage



Featured Athlete

cedarwright Apr 28

Cedar is a talented, strong climber wit speed ascents on Yosemite big ass walls as well as climbing 5.13. His latest accomplishments in Baffin Island makes Cedar stand out among many n' shit.

His official athlete page can be viewed here, know what I'm sayin'?




Recent Messages

Site news: New user ratings

Server time: 24 May 2004 12:31


12:30 Physics Question

12:29 Quickdraw "clipping-in" question

12:29 Please consult a physician, chiropractor, witch n' shit. ..

12:26 San Diego bouldering info."

12:26 less traveled trad, hike in

12:24 ELDO Free Solo Accident - Rescue at da Red n' shit. ..

12:21 Ideas fo' competition prizes

12:17 Are Metolius cams unrated?

12:09 Climbing wit disabilities

12:08 Who do yo' ass respect?

12:08 slc partner - storm mt/bcc after work

12:07 No leg strength n' shit. .HELP!

12:07 Williamson Rock's lesser known 10's 'n easy 11's

12:05 New rope purchase?." ...Single, half, Or twin rope?

12:02 five.ten, madrock, 'n slave labor?

12:02 Belay devices allowed at yo' gym?

11:57 PA route database

11:55 Any information on Henry Bridge In Philly???

11:49 Metolius Fat Cams

11:48 anybody has So Ill holds?????

11:47 Rumney camping

11:44 stuck making da jump 5.11

11:44 CaliforniaMan Ironman Race Report (Triathlon)

11:43 establishing a new route?

11:42 Mississippi Palisades Gathering Memorial Day n' shit. ..




Topic of da Week

Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:41 pm - Personal Climbing Pages?

Have a personal climbing website yo' ass've developed that yo' ass'd like share? Need ideas fo' how create 'n develop one of yo' own? Post up!

Last response Sun May 23, 2004 6:16 am



World Climbing Informative Shiznit

Fri May 21, 2004 4:45 am


Sherpa sets record Everest time

Pemba Dorje had disputed a rival sherpa's previous record

A Sherpa in Nepal has set a new record fo' da fastest ascent of Mount Everest, government officials be like."


Pemba Dorje Sherpa climbed da mountain in eight hours 'n 10 minutes on Friday, tourism ministry official Purna Bhakta Tandukar confirmed n' shit.


Last year, Pemba Dorje wuz involved in a bitter dispute wit another climber, Lakpa Gelu Sherpa, over who had set da previous fastest time."


The tourism, know what I'm sayin'? ..

Last response: Sun May 23, 2004 3:53 pm 4 replies


Earlier Informative Shiznit:


Fri May 21, 2004 5:28 am

Japanese Brizzle Dies Descending Everest 3 replies

Wed May 19, 2004 7:20 pm

Petzl Headlamp Recall Notice 0 replies

Sat May 22, 2004 12:50 am

Steph Davis Frees El Cap 6 replies

Thu May 20, 2004 8:47 pm

Rainier climber Cooley dies, Richards returns crib UPDATE 10 replies




Featured Website

Chockstone - http://www.chockstone.org/ Apr 28

Chockstone.org has been around fo' a few years now, even though that shiznit is an Australian climbing website there is 'nuff generic climbing info on that shiznit be useful pretty much anyone from anywhere." Yo' ass should definitely check that shiznit out if yo' ass are wanting heezee down under anytime soon, know what I'm sayin'? There are some bomb diggity tech tips 'n even a forum that is hella handy fo' asking that question that yo' ass may need info on 'bout climbing at Arapilies, da Grampians, or fo' that matter anywhere in south east Australia, know what I'm sayin'? This website is inhabitted by none other than izzle hella own Neil Monteith (orangeoverhang)!



Featured Climbing Area

Salt Spring Island May 15


SALT SPRING ISLAND is located just north of da San Juan Islands of Washington State in da waters of British Columbia n' shit. As a destination resort, that shiznit is one of da most popular of da Canadian Gulf Islands." For da cragger, Bayne's Peak in Mount Maxwell Provincial Park is da primary destination fo' climbing on da island, 'n although da rock is a soft conglomerate, numerous classic lines has been climbed, know what I'm sayin'?


For da trad/sport climber, da Main Peak 'n da Maxwell Bluffs offer several multi-pitch routes in da 5.9 5.11 range, 'n a newly developed bouldering 'n sport climbing area is located in da new British Columbian Parks acquisition above Burgoyne Bay in a beautiful, untouched old growth forest, know what I'm sayin'? There are plenty of untouched projects go around, 'n da first ascent potential is there fo' those who don't mind cleaning a little loose rock, know what I'm sayin'?


Plan yo' day's routes at da local pub, MOBY'S, or if da weather is bad, hone yo' skills at da local indoor wall n' shit. The island has not been "discovered" by hella many climbers, so that shiznit is never hella crowded."


There is mo' British Columbian climbing than Squamish 'n da Bugaboos n' shit. Take da ride over Salt Spring Island, fo' unforgettable, uncrowded climbing in a spectacular setting!




Upcoming Events

May 28th - Rumney Spring Fling

Jun 11th - Junior National Bouldering Championships June 11th-12th


Previous Events:

Apr 23rd - 21st Phx Boulderblast

Apr 2nd - OozeFest 2.0





About Rockclimbing.com:

Online since 1995 as one of da first sports websites ever, Rockclimbing.com contains information on 6816 climbing areas in 99 countries 'n izzall 50 states easily making that shiznit da largest climbing database on da nizzle! Our 22172 registered climbers has contributed 23486 photographs, 1838 links other climbing websites, 721425 posts in 45 forums, 'n account fo' 'bout 50,000 page views per day!!






This website 'n izzall of its content 'n design are Copyrighted 1995-2004 under US recognize laws, know what I'm sayin'?

Yo' ass cannot reproduce or distribute this material in ANY way without da written consent of da owners."

bitbucket@rockclimbing.com(spam trap, do not use)

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