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My SEVENTY Day Weekend.


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I was just doing some math and I figured I'd get all of you desk-bound gapers in a huff. SEVENTY days off this summer (that's a 7 with one zero). So, while you're trying to find a way to amortize your bosses new swimming pool, or wasting government tax monies with your hexachilial cc.gaper post, think of me and my befouled polypro. Gloating? You bet. I've busted my ass to reach this level of slackdom, so KISS MY GRITS!! If you happen to get permission to leave the house and we run into each other, I'll be the dude with the gigantic shit eating grin. YEAH, BOY!!!!!!!!



[ 06-08-2002, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Necronomicon ]

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You need to try being a high-tech burnout: I've already been off nearly 70 days, and my biggest question now is whether I really want to start looking for a job maybe in late September, or just blow it off til next September... too busy climbing to think about it much though.


Now if I could just stop forgetting to file my stupid unemployment claim each week... think I could handle a minute and a half of work a week....



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Shit. What am I doing wrong? All I do is work my weekly 40 (home/office), deposit nice chunks of cash into my bank account, drive a company car, gas up with a company credit card, have a yearly physical compliments of medical insurance, play with a few nice municipal fund investments, upgrade my toys every couple of years, take a month off every year (paid), usually get out and about every weekend, and generally wine, dine, and shmoose...


Unenjoyment for the summer? No thanks.


Sucks, doesn't it?


[ 06-08-2002, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: trask ]

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I just enjoy what I do and still get time of to do the things I like. I don't hate my 50-60 hours a week I spend doing gotta do's (granted, it's grad school) and I spend my summers under the sun doing field work in alpine environments and taking time to go cimbing and hiking. Why have a job you hate? Why sell 40-50 % of your waking lfe doing something you hate? Life is too short. If that means quitting your job, being a bum and climbing, that is great. Be glad that you know what you want and are actually doing what it takes to make yourself happy. How many people do you see who are miserable in the lives they've created for themselves?

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Coondog - I've been having the same problem for the past 5 months. A lot of climbing/traveling and trying to remember the weekly filing in the middle of it all. I think they should just give out a lump sum of entitled benefits and call it a gov't severance package.


The only bum of this extended road trip is that too many of my friends still work 5 days a week...

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