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To: AAC Cascade Section Members


Hans Florine Show


We are putting on a slideshow in collaboration with the Climbing Club at the University of Washington (http://students.washington.edu/climb/). The speaker is Hans Florine, speed climber extraordinaire, and this will be an excellent presentation. The details are:


Date: Thurs April 8.

Location: University of Washington HUB (Husky Union Building) 106B.

Time: 7:00 PM.

Cost: A minimum donation of $5.00 at the door. Proceeds to the Access Fund and ASCA. There may also be some raffle items.


Hans Florine holds numerous solo and team speed records on many of Yosemite's classic big wall routes. He is one of three humans to solo "The Nose" in a day; first and only team of two, (or any number), to have climbed El Cap three times in a day and Half Dome twice in a day; one of eight persons to have climbed The Nose of El Cap and The Regular Route on Half Dome in a day; one of two people to climb, alone, Half Dome and El Cap in a day; the only person to climb El Capitan twice in a day, solo; guided the first and only blind person ascent of El Cap. In 2003 he set the speed record on all the legal 14,000 ft peaks in California; ascended 20 of the classic rock and peak routes, from the "50 Classics of North America" book, in 20 days; ascended fourteen of the California 14,000 ft peaks in under ten days. Hans has climbed over 60 routes of grade 5.13, (7C+), or higher, repeated one 5.14 and established one 5.14. Hans has also been over 21,500 ft on Aconcagua, and over 17,000 feet on Shivling. For more information go to http://hansflorine.com/


As there is limited seating we are allowing reservations to be made with members of both clubs receiving guaranteed priority. Each member may bring one non-member as a guest who will be given the same priority. To get you and your guest’s name (include their name) on the list, please email to climb@u.washington.edu no later than Wednesday March 31st. At that time we will email everyone on the list to confirm attendance, so we may allocate remaining spots to non-members. If you know more than one non-member who wants to attend they can email to be put on the list and seats will be allocated on a first received basis. You have to be on the list to attend.


Details will be posted on a temporary web site http://students.washington.edu/climb/florine/ the AAC web site at http://www.americanalpineclub.org/community/events.asp.


Request for input into Mt. Rainier study


Mark Husbands, a researcher with the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit is requesting your help. This is an important issue so please participate.


Researchers at University of Washington wish to interview climbers about their experiences on the Disappointment Cleaver, Ingraham Direct, Kautz Glacier or Emmons Glacier routes. This research is being conducted on behalf of Mount Rainier National Park, and will help the Park manage for high quality climbing experiences on these routes. Interviews should take about one hour. Interested persons in the Seattle area should contact:


Mark Husbands


Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU)

University of Washington, Seattle




George Senner, 1924-2003


An AAC member since 1949, George died in December and his memorial service was held the last weekend of February. His close friend and climbing partner Dee Molenaar sent me a reminiscence of George’s life. He worked for a time as a ranger and guide on Mt. Rainier, a mountain that was always a big part of his life. He was a veteran of the 10th Mountain Division, and after WWII he and his wife, Glo, traveled and worked in Europe and the Alps. On his return to the US he worked for a while as advisor to the Army’s Mountain and Cold Weather Training Command. George and Glo taught skiing for many decades on the slopes of the Pacific Northwest. In 1960 George and Dee shared a rope when bringing Jim and Lou Whittaker down Mt. McKinley after their accident high on the mountain. In 1965 they shared a first ascent of Mt. Kennedy in the Yukon Territory in a party that included Jim Whittaker and the late Robert F. Kennedy. He is survived by his wife Gloria and daughters Kris Bryson, Gretchen Tryon and Trudi Garing, and five grandchildren.


Goran Kropp’s Estate


Erden Eruc has a number of items of equipment belonging to the late Goran Kropp that he is selling on behalf of the estate. One major item is a little used Mountain Hardware Space Station tent worth $4,500 new. For details of this and other gear please contact Erden - erden.eruc@usa.net






Peter Ackroyd



American Alpine Club, Cascade Section

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Originally posted by Gary Y.


"Anyway, sorry if the instructions seem complicated, but because we have limited seating (126 people) and we want to give preference to AAC and UWCC folk, we're asking that everyone email climb@u.washington.edu to claim a seat. We'll give AAC and UWCC folk first priority and then take care of everyone else. Likely everyone who wants to see it will get a spot, but this was the easiest way we could figure out how to pull it off. "

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