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Nikon Consumer Digital SLR is almost here!


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...You could wait forever for the next great thing to come out, and there always will be now, but think of all the great pictures your missing!


Well said...I have missed many shots because I don't want to "waste" expensive slides on something that might not look great...time to get a digi and go take lots of photos.

Edited by Stemalot
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I have the Canon 300d it has quite a few limitations... and the Nikon d70 looks very impressieve on paper... but I think the important thing to realize is that you are buying into a system. Both of those cameras are going to obsoltete in a year (or less probably). I bought the Rebel knowing that it wasn't the camera that i wanted... The d70 isn't the camera I want either ... nor the 10d or the d100, nor really the 1d. But what I am betting on is that Canon will be the first system to offer the camera that I want, and that once they do it will last me for quite a while...


The only problem is that it is a few years away still... with the 1dMkII canon is well on the way to proving me right, but only time will tell. All they have to do is get the price of the 1dmkII down to $2500 and Im there. I am counting on Nikon to give them some competiton and speed the process up. (and Minolta now too) GO NIKON!


(ps that new Minolta DSLR looks pretty sweet. The built in camera image stabliization will make it perfect for all those indoor snapshot takers. I wonder what the price is going to be ...)

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The 300D will not be obsolete in a year. In fact it will take the same pictures today as tomorrow. All the talk about how digital technology isn't to "my level" yet is bullshit. No, you can't click off 50fps 90mb files right now, and you don't need it. The dork behind the light box makes the picture. Check out the Lee Mann link on the previous page, kind of funny equipment notes.

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