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Joke? -- What a difference 30 years makes


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> > 1972 and 2002--What a Difference 30 Years Makes

> >

> > 1972: Long hair

> > 2002: Longing for hair

> >

> > 1972: The perfect high

> > 2002: The perfect high yield mutual fund

> >

> > 1972: KEG

> > 2002: EKG

> >

> > 1972: Acid rock

> > 2002: Acid reflux

> >

> > 1972: Moving to California because it's cool

> > 2002: Moving to California because it's warm

> >

> > 1972: Growing pot

> > 2002: Growing pot belly

> >

> > 1972: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor

> > 2002: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor

> >

> > 1972: Seeds and stems

> > 2002: Roughage

> >

> > 1972: Popping pills, smoking joints

> > 2002: Popping joints

> >

> > 1972: Killer weed

> > 2002: Weed killer

> >

> > 1972: Hoping for a BMW

> > 2002: Hoping for a BM

> >

> > 1972: The Grateful Dead

> > 2002: Dr. Kevorkian

> >

> > 1972: Going to a new, hip joint

> > 2002: Receiving a new hip joint

> >

> > 1972: Rolling Stones

> > 2002: Kidney Stones

> >

> > 1972: Being called into the principal's office

> > 2002: Calling the principal's office

> >

> > 1972: Screw the system

> > 2002: Upgrade the system

> >

> > 1972: Disco

> > 2002: Costco

> >

> > 1972: Parents begging you to get your hair cut

> > 2002: Children begging you to get their heads shaved

> >

> > 1972: Taking acid

> > 2002: Taking antacid

> >

> > 1972: Passing the drivers' test

> > 2002: Passing the vision test

> >

> > 1972: Whatever

> > 2002: Depends

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klenke said:

> > 1972 and 2002--What a Difference 30 Years Makes

> >

> > 1972: Long hair

> > 2002: Longing for hair

Hell my hair was going by the hand full by 72. Biochem did it in.

> >

> > 1972: The perfect high

> > 2002: The perfect high yield mutual fund

Never concerned with getting wealthy. I guess that is why I'll end up dying working.




> > 1972: Popping pills, smoking joints

> > 2002: Popping joints

My joints always popped

> > 1972: Killer weed

> > 2002: Weed killer

If you use weed killer you are a bad person. Let the weeds grow and say FU to the neighbors

> > 1972: Hoping for a BMW

> > 2002: Hoping for a BM

BMW=Big Money Wasted as for the BM...no problem

> > 1972: Being called into the principal's office

> > 2002: Calling the principal's office

Even as a teacher I was being called to the principal's office. I protected the ass holes that were straight with me so I was there to represent them and try to keep them in school if at all possible.

> > 1972: Disco

I was too occupied with climbing to be involved in Disco. Besides it sucked then and it sucks now.

> > 1972: Parents begging you to get your hair cut

> > 2002: Children begging you to get their heads shaved

My kids and wife hated it when my wrestling team won the state conference because i always shaved my head.

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