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Hey j_b, I wonder how long


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I wonder how long the Iraqi people are going to take terrorist attacks against them by foreign Muslims and Iraqi Sunni Muslims in their country until they get fed up? As long as I live I will never understand fundamentalist Muslims (or any other religious zealot for that matter) and their penchant for wanting to maintain everything around them at the 750AD time line...

Having said that, I soundly believe fundamentalism in ANY RELIGION is an extremely dangerous thing. Be it Muslim, Jewish, or even CHRISTIAN. It doesn't matter what kind of label you put on it, any extremist using the word of God as their battle cry or shield should be immediately removed from any political influence. Even our own political parties have gone to the realm of extremes. One to the left and the other to the right. The problem is, those of us in the middle, have for the most part, given up trying to bring about change. That view, unfortunately, has brought out the extremists like j_b who feel our political arena is now "their" playground. I do recognize the privilege this country affords me in making a choice in not getting involved in picking a side for my economic and physical well being, but I truly fear that day is not far away, for the winds of political change bring about new leaders and new "favorites". Those who don't adapt quickly enough are stripped of their savings and worse yet, are imprisoned for their past allegiances. If we continue to propagate issues that galvanize people to one side or the other, we will be heading down that same path.

Fuck, I’m bored today.


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nice try. your various calls to murder on the basis of politics and race/religion, along with your bigotry and anti-free speech, anti-democracy stances firmly puts you on the far right. along with your display of firearms in various posts we can only guess what you really are about.


me on the other hand, i stand for democracy, freedom of speech, mixed economy, human rights, etc ... which basically puts me left of center. it is obvious by now that my unwillingness to back down when faced with your various threats and insults makes me the favorite target of your smears. it won't work.

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j_b said:

nice try. your various calls to murder on the basis of politics and race/religion, along with your bigotry and anti-free speech, anti-democracy stances firmly puts you on the far right. along with your display of firearms in various posts we can only guess what you really are about.


me on the other hand, i stand for democracy, freedom of speech, mixed economy, human rights, etc ... which basically puts me left of center. it is obvious by now that my unwillingness to back down when faced with your various threats and insults makes me the favorite target for your smear. it won't work.

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