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Murphy’s Law - The idea that “anything that can go wrong, will” such as not having a gun when you need it. That isn't Murphy's Law, but Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives. Pop culture and folklore have mistakenly attributed Finagle's Law to Murphy.


Murphy's Law is actually, “If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.” The quote is in reference to a rocket tests (actually human acceleration tolerances using rocket sleds on rails) where 16 accelerometers were all glued in backwards.


Just thought y'all would like to know.


the_finger.gif incubus


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Interesting how misunderstandings are perpetuated. In Shannon's theory of communication, redundancy is used in human communication to ensure success of transmission despite distortion and omission, in other words, redundancy improves our ability to recognize messages reliably.


Redundancy of a message is also used to shape thought. Consider the word, patriot. 'Patriot' is a hot button word propagated by the Bush administration to indicate someone who supports the administration in their efforts to reshape the world in their image. Anyone dissenting is considered unpatriotic. Their use of the word evokes the connotation that patriot refers to someone who is essentially conservative, believes in a mythical something called the American Way (which incidently is represented by the interests of the current administration, the official 'party' line), and by unquestioning obedience to authority figures. An op-ed piece in the Kansas City Star (the heartland, mind you, not the liberal east or west coasts), discusses the meaning of a patriot in an article titled: Patriotism swollen by fear obscures word's true meaning, see below for link. The article goes on to state the true meaning of patriot is closely akin to the Latin, civis bonus, which translated means 'good citizen'. The editor states that, "A good citizen refers to someone active in the republic." He continues,

Good citizens are people who vote regularly, pay taxes, give blood, donate to charities, volunteer, work with youths, remain active in civic and church groups, support the community and defend what this country stands for. That includes civil liberties but not phantom weapons of mass destruction.

The op-ed piece is short and ends with an infamous quote by Hermann Goering in 1946 during the Nuremberg Trials.


The op-ed piece is definitely worth reading and, imagine, these ideas being produced from the same state as the one John Ashcroft calls home.




Kansas City Star op-ed


incubus said:

Murphy's Law is actually, ?If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.?


Guess this explains how Bush got elected!


when did bush ever say someone was unpatriotic for not supporting him??? thats about as stupid as that liberal op-ed piece you linked to. just more bullshit and lies.


if bush had a (D) next to his name, i doubt most of you wanna-be liberal sheep would ever complain, or know any better.


why is it so hard for some people to think for themselves???

Metalhead_Mojo said:

when did bush ever say someone was unpatriotic for not supporting him??? thats about as stupid as that liberal op-ed piece you linked to. just more bullshit and lies.


Hahahahaha. Read again, I said Bush administration. You really are articulate and persuasive, aren't you? Why don't you see what your collegues in the Republican Party are saying here: Conservatives Against Bush

Maybe you should brush up on some of the issues they discuss, including:

  • Bush’s fiscal irresponsibility
  • The Patriot Act
  • The Ashcroftonian assault on liberty


Metalhead_Mojo said:if bush had a (D) next to his name, i doubt most of you wanna-be liberal sheep would ever complain, or know any better.


Don't even presume to categorize me with your sophomoric view of the world. Reread the op-ed and think again.


Here's something you might find ironic:

Even though I'm a tranquil guy now at this stage of my life, I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious, of traitors.

--exerpts of remarks by President George H.W. Bush during the dedication ceremony for the George Bush Center for Intelligence, April 26, 1999


Here's a reliable source for ya: CIA Headquarters


Have you read the news lately or does this go over your head?


scrambler said:

I said Bush administration


so the bush administration said that??? of course you cant give a name, but it doesnt really matter to you because of course you will blame bush anyway regardless...


im not even going to waste my time responding to your childish name calling and ranting.


oh, and BTW...that speech from the bush dedication ceremony was given by Bush Sr. not the current Pres Bush...


nice try, homeslice rolleyes.gif

Metalhead_Mojo said:

scrambler said:

I said Bush administration


so the bush administration said that??? of course you cant give a name, but it doesnt really matter to you because of course you will blame bush anyway regardless...


im not even going to waste my time responding to your childish name calling and ranting.


oh, and BTW...that speech from the bush dedication ceremony was given by Bush Sr. not the current Pres Bush...


nice try, homeslice rolleyes.gif


OK. I will go real slow. Again. Reread what I wrote. Here, I'll parse it for you:

'Patriot' is a hot button word propagated by the Bush administration to indicate someone who supports the administration in their efforts to reshape the world in their image. Anyone dissenting is considered unpatriotic.


Ok, are we on the same page, now? For starters, here's an exerpt from President George W. Bush's Sept. 2001 speech in an address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People:

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

Other examples of verbal strong-arm tactics will be provided as these are recovered.


The last comment in my previous post points to this revelation: Headline--White House grapples with allegation. If CIA agent’s name was intentionally leaked, laws may have been broken.

[ White House Probed Over Leak ]


Really, I didn't intend to belittle but you didn't offer any objection based on reason, only your emphasis that the op-ed piece was stupid, bullshit and lies. Weak. rolleyes.gif

Metalhead_Mojo said:

if bush had a (D) next to his name, i doubt most of you wanna-be liberal sheep would ever complain, or know any better.


Actually, he's an idiot regardless of what party he's in. The only reason I say "vote democrat" in the next election is that's the only way we'll get him out of office. If he was a democrat, I'd vote republican (and I really hate this stupid two-party system, a vote for any other party winds up being worthless in terms of getting someone elected.)


My definition of the word "patriot". Someone who acts selflessly to protect ones country. The word "acts" is what is in dispute. Which actions are in best interest of one's country? Sometimes it is being critical of what the government is doing.

catbirdseat said:

My definition of the word "patriot". Someone who acts selflessly to protect ones country. The word "acts" is what is in dispute. Which actions are in best interest of one's country? Sometimes it is being critical of what the government is doing.


I'm not sure I believe in altruism (selflessness). Instead, I would opt to call the motivation, enlightened self-interest, meaning that your personal goals dovetail with the best interests of the community.

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