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Glacier Peak South Side->Sitkum ski 9/24-25


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I had a couple days to kill and I wanted to make a trip that would hurt. South side of Glacier Peak seemed like the way to go. Got a late start Wed morning. Very scenic route, especially through Glaicer Peak Meadows. Made it to 8300 ft before it got dark and I had to bivy. Very windy all night. Woke up late and fought choss all the way up disappointment peak. I think there must be a better way up than what I took, easy 3rd/4th class most of the way with a couple low 5th class moves right at the top (always fun to do with skis on your back). Nothing challenging from there on up, however. The walk down was quite a chore on the ridge above sitkum spire, since there was ~50mph sustained winds coming from the scimitar. Made it nearly impossible to walk (especially with those damn skis). The upper sitkum was a disaster area, totally covered with rocks, dirt, and crevasses. The lower sitkum was only slightly better. Got perhaps 500 vertical feet of skiing in. After that, it's just a quick hike out to the car.


Alright, so how many people out there think that a >10000' climb for ~500 ft of skiing is worthwhile? I'm getting the impression that I'm just about the only person who would be glad they brought skis after doing a trip like that. But I'm pretty messed up in the head.


Oh yeah, if you're planning to do this trip and you're smart, you should bring a helmet. I relied on luck, however, which weighs less.

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It seems to me that for skiing, and in every other way, Frostbite ridge would be a far superior choice over the Sitkum Glacier rte. Easier route (physically), more scenic, less scree, less people, more snow, etc.


I suppose it does have that wee steep icy/snow section, but it's not difficult. Don't know what it's like this late in the season though...

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Alpinfox, you would be right, but my guess is he may have already done frostbite ridge and wanted to see something else. As I said, that area south of glacier peak in glacier peak meadows is really really cool. It makes for an awesome tour of the mountain on foot or ski.

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I'm glad that when I climbed Frostbite ridge I descended the Sitkum route. It was great to "tour the mountain", but if I climb Glacier Peak half a dozen more times in my life, I don't think any of those times will be via the Sitkum Glacier route.


The approach to FR was one of the most scenic hikes I've been on (top 5 I'd say) with incredible wild flowers, mountain vistas, babbling brooks, the full deal. The climb itself was straightforward, highly enjoyable, and also very scenic. In comparison, I thought the descent down the Sitkum Glacier/Glacier Mdws trail was uncomfortably steep, long, not as many flowers (more forest/less meadow), more people, and less impressive views. Some of those little cascade/waterfalls above Glacier Mdws were cool though.


Wouldn't Baker, Rainier, or Adams be better skiing objectives this time of year?


thumbs_up.gif on getting out and doing what you love to do, even if you have to work hard for it.



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Yes, going up sitkum SUCKS. I have done this. It's boring. Going up FBR is much better. He didn't ascend the sitkum tho, he went up and over the south side and past disappointment peak which is a long, and altogether differnt way to go. I imagine this would make a really kick ass tour earlier in the year. I've been wanting to do it.

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no, nobody should go out skiing on the south side of glacier peak wink.gif it's WAY TOO FAR to haul in your skis, like fifteen miles, and why would anyone want to do that wink.gif if anyone wants to do that after the next cool storm system count me in, wait, no, out cantfocus.gif wait, all that terrain up there SUCKS don't go...

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Up Frostbite is definitely a cool way to go, but Josh is right, I've done that before. Seriously, when else am I ever going to bother bagging the south side of that beastly mountain? I'm glad I had a chance to check out the scenery around Glacier Peak Meadows, very cool.


As a ski tour, it's probably a bit tame. You'd definitely want to take a shortcut, like down Baekos creek. There's more flats than I imagined there would be (duh?).


And there are probably a million better skiing objectives this time of year... I just kept wanting to see the south side of GP. Plus it's really cool to see the looks on peoples' faces on the PCT when they see your skis and boots on your back. smile.gif

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