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aerobics w/ broken leg

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My husband broke his left tibia just below the knee joint. His surgeon says no weight bearing for 3 MONTHS. How can he try to stay in shape and avoid gaining weight? Any ideas on exercise? He is in a removable brace, one of those contraptions with metal rods down the sides and several velcro bands that encircle the leg that he wears 24/7 except to shower.

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MITllama02 said:

My husband broke his left tibia just below the knee joint. His surgeon says no weight bearing for 3 MONTHS. How can he try to stay in shape and avoid gaining weight? Any ideas on exercise?

hehehe. smileysex5.gifsmileysex5.gifsmileysex5.gifwave.gif


seriously. he can lift wieghts which will help healing too. upper body stuff. but still give him plenty of good loving. and lite beer.

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Exercise bike or wind trainer can be used on the well leg with the aid of toe clips. This is a standard therapy for folks with knee surgery and can be done as soon as the person can sit on a bike without falling over. Just find a stool or table for him to put the injured leg on.

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DO NOT ignore doctor's orders on the matter of weight bearing.


A little creativity goes a long way, I did a lot of training when I broke both my ankles once....and there's a chance the doc will let him swim sooner than 3 mos, be sure to ask about that option. Good luck. thumbs_up.gif

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