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Posts posted by erik

  1. ursa


    yeah i think with enough tr sessioning you will not need to tinker with the placements. that is another reason why it is usually best to get enough opinions. tho i think that alot of boltplacement is natural if the route is sessioned enought b4 hand.


    and you are right, the less holes the better.



  2. JoshK said:

    I'd like to the perspective of one our resident pro-bush, pro-war posters...I'm sure it'll be enlightening... rolleyes.gif


    what do you mean josh? trask has already shared his enlightend point of view:


    trask said:

    this article by some lacky named Cockburner - jive, gimme a break rolleyes.gif

  3. dkemp said:

    I was kinda hoping the climbing season isnt really over.


    Denial or optimism - you decide .


    it aint over dude. dont let the weak asses tell you anything different. i climb every month all year long and in washinton too!


    ever wonder why alot of these people dont get anything done?



  4. you have to go to the very top and rap down installing the hardware as you go




    you can aid up a or the feature and install the hardware.


    why ya askin? if you r are thinking about putting some routes in, i would do lotsa thinking about the need and peoples desire for new routes. mostly ask yourself: is it worth it to other people? will other climb it? cause putting up a good route is alot of work and why waste your time if no one ever climbs it.



  5. lacate proj

    rap to inspect possibilites

    do some cleaning

    do some more cleaning

    rehearse on top rop

    more reheasing

    spend many many many many many hours thinking about well thoughtout bolt placements

    rap and clean

    mark possible bolt placements

    tr and pretend to clip

    have many others do the same

    gather input on bolt placement and spacing

    tr and clean


    install hardware

    share with the world


  6. Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

    What the fuck is that stank that's blanketing the 'hood around the PRG sometimes? Smells like someone's slow-cooking a 55-gallon drum of moist cat-food. A thoroughly repugnant odor, to be sure.


    come on dude don't try to play it off like you don't know its your old lady!



  7. trask said:

    shut up erik, you butt gash


    so dependable with the low brow UNORIGINAL insults. sooo played out....soooo passe' and soooooo boring.


    i think from this day forward i am going to dedicate my life to following trashk around the internet heckling him.



  8. trask said:

    cry.gif here goes j-b with his daily " cry.gif oh woah-as me cry.gif" post.

    get a fuckin life, hosebag


    here goes trask with one of 248y57892347758024 a post days about he is the fukkin one who is always right and if he dont liek your topic then he is gonna trask all over it.



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