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Everything posted by jtflyfisher

  1. Its good to hear all the positive feedback! I've been a weekend warrior for some years now and need to get to the next level. I wish I had shopped the guide services a little more, but the $$ are in with MM and they are the choice this time out. As for the negative stuff I've heard, I used to work for a large local outdoor retailer and many of the employees (my friends) developed harsh opinions of almost all of the services. If I listened long enough ALL the services were either good-bad, cool-nasty, rock solid-scarey dangerous. Couple last things. I have NEVER surfed before, it was a buddys idea. Matt Fioretti is cool, I met him while working at the aforementioned retailer. Thanks everybody! ;-)
  2. Hey, I've been just lurking around and finally came up with a question. When my surfing trip to Brazil crapped out I traded it in on a Mountain Madness trip to Early Winter Spires. (always wanted to climb there but dont know anyone who know the place) I've been hearing good and bad about MM. Question is: What is your opinion of MM? (I cant wait to hear the spray on me getting a guide!)
  3. They gave you a refurb. They'll rebuild yours later and give it to the next guy.
  4. Ok, down here in an old thread I'm gonna tell the truth (I was proud in the beginning...that changed) I ran the REI repair counter at the old and new stores for 5 yrs. The mildew recipe we used goes like this: One gallon hot water One cup lysol Drench the item, use a sponge if nec. DO NOT RINSE but allow to dry One gallon hot water One cup lemon juice Drench, sponge Do not rinse, allow to dry THEN fully rinse the item. Big hassle but it works and can save nylon from the garbage.
  5. AArrgghh! First post and I screw it up! Its 'I am here to chew gum and kick ass, and I am OUT of gum!' (heres to proof reading yourself)
  6. "I am here to chew gum and kick ass!" From Rowdy Roddy Piper in that 'You can see the aliens with these sunglasses movie'!
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