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Everything posted by pete_a

  1. Thanks for all the good advice (and the occational jokes). Does anyone know if the ice at Uptaneum Falls near Ellensburg is on private property and if so, is it cool with the property owners to play around on the ice there? Thanks again. Pete
  2. Hi all, I've done lots of steep snow/ice alpine climbing, but minimal water ice climbing. A few friends of mine who have similar experience and myself are looking at heading over to the Leavenworth area from Seattle this weekend to get a little more familiar with steep water ice. With the avy danger being rather high can any of you out there recommend some good places to go that have rather safe approaches,are top-ropable, and/or are single pitch, rather easy ice climbs. Thanks. Pete
  3. bummer on having all that new snow up there for the climb. I did Colchuck last October and it was a great, easy ice climb, with 40 degree hard glacial ice that we had to do a running belay on with ice screws. Guess it all depends on what time you go...I've heard Colchuck can be a great ski in the winter and spring from the col down to the lake.
  4. I still remember when Cliffhanger came out in the theaters. A couple weeks after it was out, I was at work in a climbing shop in Oregon and a guy came in and told me he wanted to buy a 'bolt gun' like the was Stallone had in the movie. I tried hard to keep from laughing. I wonder what kind of goofballs this new movie is going to lure up into the mountains.
  5. Thanks snowleopard for posting the conditions report. I'm planning on going up the South Side this Sunday morning and was wondering if all that rotten rock is frozen in place or not.
  6. No worries...I've climbed the south side more than thirty times and I never leave Timberline any later than 1 am. I've never wanted to hang out on the hogsback as the sun cooks that slope. I always try to be back down off the summit at Crater Rock by about 7 or 8 in the morning.
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