Yosemite does have the best weather this time of year, but be very watchful of the weather, I have seen it snow in June in the Valley. If it's nice out expect to wait for your turn on the south face of the column especially during march when all the colleges have spring break. The best time to get on the South Face is right after a big storm, possibly booty too. The aid is easy but more then one party has stalled on the Kor Roof, the typical bottle neck of the route. If you have a portledge or Rent one from Mark Deger the Prow is far better climb then the south face. it goes clean and the hauling ain't dramatic like it is to dinner ledge. The West Face of leaning tower can be real cold since it only sees late afternoon sun this time of year but offers some great exposure. What ever route you do, especially the column, do not attempt to come down North Dome Gulley in the dark, many epics and some deaths. If no body is below you on the South face its much better to rap the route. Watch the first rap off the top as it is a rope sticker. Leaning Tower offers the joy of ten rappells, three down the backside slab and seven down the Leaning tower chimney. If you want further beta email me.
Happy Aiding
Big Stones