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Nick Magill

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Everything posted by Nick Magill

  1. We pushed it back in favor of a couple other climbs this April. We are headed to Denali this weekend but will be back by June, so we are hoping Noho will still be in season by then. If not we'll give the South Face a shot in August. Best of luck on your May attempt! If June rolls around and you guys haven't gone yet you're welcome to join us
  2. My buddy and I are looking for one or two more partners for a shot at Nohokomeen in good April conditions. Ideally we want to allow 3 days at a leisurely pace. A good trip report describing our objective: We are working our way through the top 25 bulgers and this will be #16 for us. Shoot me a message if you want to join our team!
  3. Looking for partners for a trip up Eldorado, something in the North Cascades, or Fuhrer Finger on Rainier later this week or this weekend. I have Thursday and Friday off as well as the weekend, skis or no skis just looking to climb something. Shoot me a PM if interested Nick
  4. If you would be interested in doing Gibraltar Ledges I'm planning on doing that route May 25-27
  5. Super down for this. Doing it on skis?
  6. In that case I'll plan for Kautz sometime in 6/16-6/22 and the sickle sometime in 6/30-7/5 if enough people are interested. Emmons lasts well into August, so I'm thinking August for Emmons. Gib ledges or Fuhrer Finger will be good routes from now until early May or so.
  7. Unfortunately I can't do Monday, but if nothing else I'd be down for Chair Peak on Sunday
  8. Weather is looking great for a climb this weekend, looking for partner(s). Currently considering Eldorado, Stuart, Pugh, Three Fingers, or Rainier via Gib ledges if conditions are right, but also open to suggestions.
  9. My schedule is fairly flexible. I'm hoping to get out on at least four Rainier trips this year - early spring Gibraltar Ledges, late spring Fuhrer Finger, early summer Kautz, and mid summer Tahoma Sickle, but I wouldn't mind going on an Emmons trip somewhere in there.
  10. I've done the DC, Ingraham Direct, and Emmons routes before. Of the three Emmons was my favorite, so I wouldn't mind doing that again. I've also had my eye on Kautz as well, and would love to try that route if others are up for it.
  11. I'm planning a few Rainier trips this spring and summer, what routes are you considering? Nick
  12. Hi Josh, this season my goals are Bucker, Sloan Peak, Rainier via Kautz, and Rainier via Emmons, but also down for smaller climbs in-between. Experience wise I've done all of the Washington volcanoes a couple times, Stuart, Hood a few times, Shuksan, and a bunch of misc smaller climbs. Next year looking at Fernow, Bonanza, and Goode. Got a couple partners already but wouldn't mind some extra company. PM if interested Nick
  13. Looking to climb Sahale this weekend but also open to other suggestions. Shoot me a PM if interested
  14. Can't do the weekday, howbout 24/25? Totally down to ski it
  15. Maybe, depends on snow conditions
  16. Fuhrer Finger sometime within the next month or two, could use some partners. PM if interested
  17. Looking for partners to go climb Mt Fernow, Seven-Fingered Jack, and Mt Maude in one trip. PM me if interested
  18. Looking to climb Shuksan via Sulphide Glacier (if weather permits) this weekend. Shoot me a PM if interested
  19. Looking for partners to do a Rainier climb via Ingraham Direct or Disappointment Cleaver 5/20-5/21. PM me if interested.
  20. I'm planning on going up Adams next week when the weather is good. If anybody here is interested send me a PM
  21. I'm definitely interested. I've done Hood before and I'm in good shape. My only concern is that I live in Seattle so its a bit of a drive for me
  22. Looking for a group to go up Rainier during any one of the weekends of 7/1-7/3, 7/15-7/17, 7/22-7/24. Hmu if interested and we can talk schedules and experience. Nick 425-269-9123
  23. PM sent
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