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Everything posted by davidfailla

  1. Imon and Drederek, I'm looking for more partners to explore the Olympics with. I'm up in Bremerton. I'm usually free on the weekends.
  2. Hi PellucidWombat, I'll be in France and Switzerland the first 3 weeks of July. I'm looking to climb July 9-18th and definitely interested in doing Mont Blanc. I live about an hour outside of Seattle in Bremerton and could meet up to do some climbing prior to July. Shoot me an email and we can start to workout details if you're still looking for partners. david.failla.ii at gmail -David
  3. Looking to climb Guye Peak - South Gully or head to Tieton for some rock climbing. I'm also open to other objectives.
  4. Buckshot, thanks for the heads up. I picked up some scrap from a yard today.
  5. Planning on heading to Vantage tomorrow and still looking for partner, anyone in Seattle interested?
  6. I'm on the search for a 105"x48" scrap of Tyvek for a tent ground cloth. Or you can let me know if you seen some accessible construction sites around town...
  7. Hi Rhat, I'm interested in your tent, sent PM
  8. Anyone getting out this weekend???
  9. Hey fedorZ, I'm interested in joining you, but I won't be able to go until March. Shoot me an email to work out details david.failla.ii at gmail
  10. I'd like to climb at Index this Saturday and looking for partner. I would like to get on some 10s and possibly do DHLA
  11. Hey Lee, I'm interested in joining you on the Gerber-Sink. Shoot me an email and we can work out the details. David david.failla.ii@gmail.com
  12. We're looking to climb at Exfoliation Dome this weekend and are looking for some weather beta. Will the granite sidewalk be wet? Will the routes dry out quickly after the rain/snow there today? Thanks for anything you got.
  13. I'm looking to get out to Index tomorrow and I am in need of a partner. I was thinking of getting on Princely Ambitions to Beak or Davis-Holland to Lovin' Arms Shoot me an email if you want to get out. david.failla.ii@gmail.com
  14. Hey Dan, I'm interested in getting out tomorrow. Either Castle or Index works for me. I'm comfortable leading 10s, but I am new to Washington and don't have much experience with Washington rock. Send me an email or text if you're still looking for a partner. David david.failla.ii@gmail.com 614 657 1466
  15. Hi astrov, I sent you PM about some of the books
  16. Hey All, I moved to Seattle in January and have been getting settled. I'm looking to find some regular climbing partners. About me, I like to climb on gear and do climbs that get me high off the deck. Usually, the higher the better. I also enjoy the occasional day at the crag or boulder field. I cut my teeth in the southeast, climbing the awesome sandstone and granite that's there. I've also climbed in other areas around the US. Besides climbing, I like to bicycle, hike, and eat delicious food. Before coming to the PNW I was living in Vietnam. PM or email (david.failla.ii at gmail) me if you're interested in climbing, we can meet up at one of the gyms or get outside when the weather cooperates. I currently climb/train at SBP because it's 5 min bike ride for me.
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