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Everything posted by brianbauer

  1. The Vireo is where it's at. Along with a torso length closed cell and a http://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/survival/survive-outdoors-longer-escape-litetm-bivvy-1.html, you can have a solid bivy kit under 2 pounds...
  2. As good as it gets...
  3. Conditions on R now seem to be late summer conditions on a normal year. Keep that in mind. Also, if you weren't already aware, the NPS requires solo climbers to apply for a separate permit... http://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/upload/Solo-Climb-App_Form-Mar2015_v2.pdf
  4. diepj, yeah we weren't sleeping well that night It was mostly small stuff coming down (not necessarily in TC), but made me nervous...due to being a pansy. Anyway, had a couple rocks zing past right about where diepj described the large rockfall. Other than that, nothing.
  5. I'm a bit late to the party here, but I'll throw in my vote for the Scarpa Crux. I've had both the crux and the Boulder x. The crux is way lighter, cheaper, and climbs equally as well in my opinion. I climbed the full north ridge of Stuart in these last fall and they did great (although I'd probably take rock shoes next time for the lower crux).
  6. jon, I'd be be down to help out with the API (or whatever else). I'm in Seattle (occasionally Bend), and currently work in Ruby/Rails/Ember.
  7. Trip: Dragontail Peak - Triple Couloirs Date: 5/10/2015 Trip Report: Conditions report. Super warm last weekend...heard rock fall all night and almost called it. Started climbing around 4:30am and the snow in the couloirs was actually much better than expected. Runnels were still in, but it'll be a mixed climb shortly. Gear Notes: 6 screws (used all) 2 KB (used none, party behind us used a bunch) 2 Pickets (used both) Set of nuts (used one nut) Single rack .3-2 (used all except #2, if soloing the couloirs, only bring medium cams)
  8. This forum seems to be fairly reliant on a specific 3rd party forum software, but if there was any way we could open source this, us developer types could hack away on some of these feature requests and submit a pull request...less work for you. Just a thought...not sure if that would be possible given the current platform.
  9. Was up there early last August and three parties were injured (two requiring a heli-evac) trying to descend the Snowpatch-Bugaboo col on a single day. I would imagine this year is going to be much worse. If you're climbing any routes that would normally descend that route, you'll probably want to descend the snowpatch rappels (six single rope raps) to the east of the col on the southeast side of snowpatch spire...
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