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Everything posted by Bdubs

  1. I actually e-mailed the Yakama Tribe about this recently. Their response: "Regarding your question if Mazama climb is open July 1. The short answer is that the Yakama side of Mount Adams will not be open this year because of the 2015 Cougar Creek fire in the Bird Lake / Bench Lake areas. We lost most of the camping sites, watering sites, and the trails have hazards trees and blowdown all over. It will take us at least this season to assess the area. Although we are technically closed, it's likely people will access the Mazama Glacier from other routes and the area is unlikely to be patrolled. It's common to see hikers on that route from May through October, weather we are open or not."
  2. DPS - after doing a little research, I think you're correct!
  3. https://www.mountainproject.com/v/cams-bd-red-alien-wc-and-tricams/111925847
  4. My stepfather bought this pair of boots in 2002, broke em in on a trail , and they have not been worn since. Stiff sole, leather, thinsulate insulation, vibram soles, and in excellent condition. Some scuff marks from being broken in on a trail, but purely aesthetic. Great boots for a low price compared to a new pair of leathers! $100 Now $80
  5. Looking for competent partners to climb Shuksan in the next couple weeks, preferably beginning on a weekday. Probably take the Sulphide glacier, would consider Fisher Chimneys with the right partners. Message me and we'll talk experience, goals, possible plans, etc.
  6. Got some 10 year old Scarpa boots size 42.5 that a family member bought and wore once. Full shank, heel/toe welts, insulated, Vibram sole, excellent condition. PM me, would let go for $100
  7. Looking to get out on some easy/mod glaciated peaks in the N. Cascades or on volcanoes. Message me to talk about possible objectives and experience level and stuff.
  8. Looking to get out on something covered with snow and glaciers this month as I am free on weekends. Comfortable travelling on a 3+ person rope team on a glacier, nothing too gnarly though. Also down to lead sport/follow trad. If interested let me know. Located in Spokane for the month.
  9. I've been reading up on placements, practicing from the ground, and slowly piecing together a rack (difficult as a college student). I would strongly prefer to follow someone on a lot of pitches and learn all the ins and outs of trad climbing from someone who has a fair bit of experience (basically a mentor), but will take a short class in the spring with a guide service in the event that this doesn't happen. My overall goal is to be able to safely and efficiently climb some easy alpine rock in the summer (maybe some routes that involve glacier travel and easy 5th). Shoot me a PM if interested. Edit: forgot to add, in South King County and at school in Spokane
  10. Looking to get out and climb some of the less-technical glacier routes available in WA. Since I'm out of school for the summer and have a flexible work schedule, I'm free to climb pretty much any time before I leave for college (late August). I took a 6 day mountaineering course with American Alpine Institute a month ago and summited Baker - that's the extent of my experience on glaciated terrain. I have a little bit of experience on outdoor rock (just beginning to lead easy sport routes) and have spent a solid amount of time in the gym. Also, I'm an Eagle Scout and have backpacked/hiked heavily over the last few years, so I'm no stranger to the outdoors. If you are interested in getting out and climbing, send me a message!
  11. So I'm looking into buying my first pair of mountaineering boots, and I'm looking at leathers. Really I just have a couple questions about fit of boots so I can be more knowledgeable as I look around. Should they fit tight like a glove or somewhat loose? Also, is there any amount of light toe bang that is acceptable or should my toes not even come close to ever touching the end? I have one foot that is noticeably longer than the other so I figure I'll need to compromise on fit somewhat.
  12. I am planning on doing a training hike up to Muir pretty soon, and maybe want to camp there for a night. I know I only need to get a wilderness permit since I'm not climbing past Muir, but are these permits limited? Or do I just show up to the RS in Longmire and get one?
  13. Bdubs

    Finding Partners

    Alright, thanks! I guess I just needed some reassurance that finding online partners can work out well
  14. Bdubs

    Finding Partners

    So I'm new to climbing, and don't really know anyone who climbs. I'm not sure how I feel about finding partners online, but I'm not really sure where else to go. The mountaineers looks alright but I don't want to take their basic climbing class (I'm taking a class through a guide instead). What should I do to find some partners?
  15. Looking to buy a pair of double boots (plastic or synthetic). I am in the South King County area and would need to try them on before I consider buying. Thanks!
  16. Looking to get into climbing this year. I will be taking a 6 day course on Baker with American Alpine Institute in mid-June when I'm done with school, and hope to do as much summer climbing as I can after that. I do not have any glacier travel experience at this point, but am an Eagle Scout and have done a solid amount of backpacking over the last couple years (around 50 nights). One of my backpacking trips was 3-weeks of difficult hiking in the 7,000-12,500 ft range with 45-55 pound pack, I lead a 1.5 week trip in the same area, and I have a good base of general outdoor knowledge/experience. I'm looking to climb Baker (during my climbing class), Adams, some other introductory Cascade peaks, and Rainier (my main hope). I am currently getting into better shape, practicing my knots and reading up on mountaineering skills/techniques. I value safety over all else and appreciate any advice or help! If any of you wouldn't mind a novice tagging along later in the year, that'd be sweet! Thanks!
  17. Alright, thanks again for all the suggestions! I turns out I can't take the mountaineers class anyway, so I'm thinking I will take a course through American Alpine Institute. However, how do you guys suggest I try to meet people to climb with?
  18. Alright...I'm leaning towards the Tacoma mountaineers course again. Mostly for potential contacts
  19. Thanks for the response! Part of me is leaning towards the mountaineers for the contacts, but another part of me is leaning towards a guide because I feel I may learn more. Also, what I have found on the site about the mountaineers worries me a bit to be honest.
  20. I am currently torn between which introductory mountaineering course I should sign up for. I am between the Tacoma Mountaineers basic course, American Alpine Institute, and Alpine Ascents. I know the AAI and AA courses are better, but the Mountaineers course is cheaper and seems to allow for good climbing opportunities afterwards. I wont be able to climb much until I graduate high school in June, and being so young I am a bit worried about finding climbing partners/opportunities in the summer (hence the attractiveness of the mountaineers). I would appreciate if you all would share your opinions and knowledge of the different classes with me, along with any tips you may have. Thanks!
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