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About Dinonuggetz

  • Birthday 05/23/1991

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  1. Way to go you two! Super impressive!! Only a "few" more lines to do up there everyone. Better get to it before these two do the rest of them
  2. -Road is clear to TH -Snow starts when the forest opens up at the last creek crossing -Glacier walking to gain the N Ridge had a few crevasses crossed on bridges -40° nevee to gain the Ridge with minor rockfall hazard, wear your helmet! -Ice cliff surmounted in 1 70meter pitch. Took screws well. -Steep nevee above the ice cliff afforded 1 screw for a few hundred feet of climbing (we didn't take pickets) -Crossed 2 crevasses to gain the summit. Skirted the first on the right, second crossed via bridge -walked to the true summit then descended via the standard route, W-SW towards the Roman Wall. Aiming for the Col before Colfax. Dropped over to the N side and then plunge stepped back to the trail.
  3. Third time trying this now ha! Use paint it works! -Road is clear to TH -Snow starts when forest opens up at the last creek crossing -Glacier walking to gain the N Ridge had a few crevasses crossed on bridges -40° nevee to gain the Ridge with minor rockfall, wear your helmet! -Ice cliff surmounted in 1 70meter pitch. Took screws well. -Steep nevee above the ice cliff afforded 1 screw for a few hundred feet of climbing (didn't take pickets) -Crossed 2 crevasses to gain the summit. Skirted the first on the right, second crossed with bridge - Walked to the true summit then descended via the standard route, W-SW towards Roman Wall. Towards the Col before Colfax Peak. Dropped over to the N side and then plunge stepped back to the trail
  4. Anyone know how to fix the report from being blank?
  5. Bummer! thanks for the info
  6. Looks amazing up there! Hoping to get on some Canadian ice this winter myself. Could a Subaru Outback make the approaches?
  7. Trip: Mount Hood - South Side Snowboarding Date: 1/11/2016 Trip Report: A vicious arctic wind battered us the whole way on our first attempt at the summit on Saturday. On our way up the left side of our bodies had been completely frosted in ice. It was miserable. Cam, Don and I made it to the top of the Palmer Lift before deciding to turn around. We skied as best we could back down to the lodge. It is quite hard to stay upright when you don't have a sense of where you are or if you are even moving. All 3 of us fell more times then either of us could count. I tried to take a picture from the Lift Station but as soon as I took out my camera it became coated in ice. The next morning we awoke from our comfortable car chair beds and took off after some hot drinks. The wind was calm but the mercury was a little low for my liking. The sun crested the horizon and warmed us up. We made it to the top of the Palmer Lift station by 8am. Just a little over two hours. We took a short break and continued up towards the Triangle Moraine and eventually the Hogsback. At the Hogsback Saddle we dropped our harnesses, rope and pickets off. We brought them just for the fun of carrying more weight... "Nothing like taking the gear for a nice scenic walk". Here we strapped on our crampons and equipped our ax's. We chose to venture up the Old Chute seeing as how the Pearly Gates was beyond full with 10+ climbers. We wrapped around and arrived at the chute. We were going up along with another party of 3. While many others were descending... This made for plenty of ice-fall and the fear of having someone tumble down and take everyone else out. It was quite the traffic jam. I stashed my board at the base of the Chute and scurried up to the summit. Cam and Don joined me shortly after. We took a few photos and began our descent. We down-climbed to the base of the Chute and I got strapped in. I snowplowed down the boot-path until I reached the open face above the Hogsback. I put in some turns and stopped back at the saddle. Here I waited for Don and Cam to rejoin me. As they arrived we repacked our gear we had stashed and we strapped on our boards and Don donned his skis. See what I did there? Anyways from here on down it was an amazing ski back down to the lodge. Just avoid the fumarole on the left and you've got it made. The run seemed endless. Fresh low angled powder for thousands of feet! PARTY RUN!!! We made it back down to the car and headed back to Washington. Gear Notes: Boots and Socks are a good choice for this one. Approach Notes: Follow the Boot Path to the top
  8. Nice trip report man can't wait for the next adventure!
  9. Yeah I hear Kyle just sits at home and watches the Seahawks nowadays...
  10. Trip: Dragontail Peak Das Nordwand - Backbone Ridge Date: 9/27/2015 Trip Report: Bryce ran out of partners in his contact list, so he got a hold of me this last weekend and told me he wanted to do Backbone Ridge. I suggested Castle Rock or some pebbling instead. So we compromised and woke at 3am and started trudging towards Colchuck Lake at 4:15. We arrived at the base of the route in 3 hours just as the sun started to shine. We soloed the broken 4th class up to the first real pitch which lead to a nice belay ledge with a solid tree anchor. We then bumped the belay up to the base of the OW. Bryce was happy to take this pitch. I feel about halfway up he had some regrets. He clipped his pack off just as things started to really get awkward. After a few grunts and a whole lot of hard work he was bringing me up on belay. We hauled packs halfway through the pitch. 1st pitch 5.6 Bryce halfway through the offwidth where he slung his pack to a chockstone. After the OW you get to pick a series of crack systems in order to get yourself to the base of the fin. 3 or 4 pitches brought us to the large right leaning ramp. Nothing harder than 5.8. The Fin Bryce fired off the first 2 pitches of The Fin. And I got the last 2 pitches. These were the 4 best pitches on the route. Perfect hand and finger jams the whole way and just as things seem to be getting harder a new crack system appears. The Fin is a little dirty but the lichen has been cleaned just enough to have good feet. Bryce pitch 1 The Fin The perfect layback corner on the top of pitch 1 The Fin Pitch 3 The Fin Hanging Belay Pitch 3 To top out we scrambled up a loose gully and then started to walk off. We got to the the glacier and quickly realized that there was no way we could get down safely since we did not bring crampons or an ax. The glacier has no snow left on it and is just bare ice. We slid down into the bowl to check it out anyways but quickly turned around and had to do some easy 5.5 splitter ice crack climbing to get back up onto the plateau. We decided to traverse to the southeast and look to see if any of the gullies would go. We ended up having to go all the way to the end of the plateau in order to start descending loose slopes. A rappel then led us to Isolation Lake where we then headed back to Aasgard Pass and started our long knee bashing descent. We were back to the car at 9pm and made it out in time to reward ourselves with some well earned Mcdonalds. The edge of the plateau where we finally were able to start descending to the rappel above Isolation Lake. Snow Creek Glaciers. Quite impossible without crampons. The start of good ol Aasgard pass, probably every ones favorite part. The Larches are beautiful right now up there. Gear Notes: Medium rack to 2" 1 #3, #5, #6 Ice ax Crampons
  11. Way to get after it you two!
  12. I heard you can camp right at the toe of the N Ridge on Stuart in the permit season. Any insight to this??
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