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Everything posted by smithxrandy

  1. $350 $300 $290
  2. Bump - REDUCED $350 $300
  3. Bump - Still available!
  4. Bibler Tempest 4 season 2 person tent Bomber construction, 2 doors, 2 vestibules good condition $300 OBO Marker Griffon Bindings 110mm brakes, 4-13 DIN New , never mounted $200 OBO Marker Squire Bindings 110mm brakes, 3-12 DIN New, never mounted $160 OBO 2 SOS F1-ND Analog Beacons Both work perfectly $80 each OBO Scarpa Inverno Double Plastic Boots Size 11 US Worn, used condition, still functional Very warm and comfy with lots of life left $90 OBO
  6. Bibler Tempest 4 Season 2/3 Person Tent 2 Doors , 2 Vestibules Great condition asking $350 plus shipping
  7. I have come across a pair of the original TLTs, never skied or if they were, there are no indications. No play, scuffs, scratches or anything. Perfect action in the heel, toe locks out and releases nicely. Can anyone come up with some reasoning to not mount and ski this instead of buying the new TLT speeds for $500 I understand they are possibly 20 years old, but does metal or the springs decay or something? They seem just as bomber or actually ore so than most of my friends g3 / dynafit bindings that are a season old
  8. 2 - SOS F1ND Beacons For Sale $110 each or both bor $200 Perfect working condition, no issues ever I'll split shipping if you get both .
  9. [img:left]http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/222109_4761198466735_67987805_n.jpg[/img] [img:left]http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/541178_4761202626839_2013531952_n.jpg[/img] [img:left]http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/29793_4761203106851_1767520869_n.jpg[/img]
  10. Trip: Squamish BC - Deidre/Skywalker/Buttress/SlotMchn/Klahanie Date: 11/20/2012 Trip Report: As my second trip over I was very excited knowing the opportunities to be had. When my friend invited a new guy out, I decided Id climb with a friend that lives there. As we got into squamish for 3pm we hopped onto Deidre to warm us up. Great bolted stations in between superb quick and solid climbing. Highlight was the 2nd to last pitch where the pin scars space out and it becomes more than a routine on the same feature for 4 pitches.. haha. Even the unprotected slab traverse was easy going. Being a newer leader climbing with a new guy, our 2nd rope team really threw a wrench into things. By the time I had topped out, rapped down a pitch to deliver a fixed line and reclimbed the last pitch in runnners, it was 8pm. Bit of a sketchy hike down for the newer guys, ended up having to short rope on a hip belay around some trees.. ended up perfectly safe, although again someone should have warned me, its more like a 4th class scramble down. After arriving at the parking lot, I spotted a familiar vehicle. My usual partner had shown up.. from the Island haha. In any case, I was annoyed and wanted to climb, and he was psyched as always. Coffee and then Skywalker! The bolts on the first pitch were kind of tricky to spot in the dark with a dying headlamp, but from there on was smooth. The Flume seemed harder than it should have for 5.8 , but really cool none the less. Swapped leads and zipped up the rest of the pitches with confidence. As we looked out periodically we could see the northern lights, that sure was neat. Got a little confused on the rap route, as we ended up having to prussik the line and pendulum around to find the bolts. Ok good warm up, now for Klahanie and the two cracks 5m off to the right. Klahanie was amazing, secure jams all the way with perfect pro. Great for a new leader. I was feeling tired and didnt climb the other two, but my partner said they were kind of worth climbing and both went at about 5.8 . Exactly 30m to the rings. The next day we were tired and got a late start but as the last day of my trip I didnt want to skimp. We decided we would push my partners leading skills on Birds Of Prey (6p up to 5.10b) The first two pitches were some moderate to steep slab finger splitters, awesome climbing. Could have been linked if you were to solo the first little bit up past the 4th class, or simul climb a bit. Third pitch rocked as the position is very nice,and who doesnt like a 10b finger corner! Interesting traverse move out left, mindful of your second when protecting that. Great chimney and offwidth practice on the last pitch. All in all, it was a great climb and would recommend it for sure. Some of the feet were really polished, so be up on your jamming and stemming skills. Debating on Rock On to finish the trip, we decided that would be best left for light time hours as weve heard the position is what makes it so darn neat. We headed over to Slot Machine and climbed the first pitch as we were tired and lazy. Great jamming, again another good one for new leaders. So ended my second trip to Squamish. Gear Notes: SR. Approach Notes: Slhanay/Squaw We got really lost, stay far right of the boulder field. Somehow we ended up in the middle and at times to the left of it. Trail gets kind of steep, bring water in the warmer months!
  11. ^^! Also forgot to mention it, but the rock was actually pretty solid.. only one microwave size block to be cleaned which we took care of. Fairly good gear too.
  12. Trip: Squamish, BC - Sq Butrress, Angels Crest, Deidre, Calc, Memorial Date: 10/1/2012 Trip Report: After working friday we headed up to Departure Bay to catch the ferry over to Horseshoe Bay to avoid Vancouver traffic. Our driving paid off, ending up in Squamish by 10pm. Upon pulling into Squamish we decided to hop onto a climb. Despite the moist slab, moist air and thick fog, we started up Deidre. By 3am we had topped out and were hiking back down to the jeep. After a late night of last minute multi pitch we had decided given the forecast it would be best to crag. We spent the day in the Smoke Bluffs, enjoying all top 100 classics. Retiring early for the night gave us lots of rest to start early on our next mission, Angels Crest. By 545am we were onto the first pitch. Great climbing all the way, great thin finger cracks, a little thin face, lots of nice jamming. Along the way we were passed by a guy soloing.. we got to watch him cruise up the very exposed 10a hand to fist crack near the top. Lastly we shimmied our ways up the thin chimney. I ended up having to tag my bag .. camelbacks got through fine. Topping out just before sunset put us at the jeep for 8pm, just in time to rush to the ferry to drop our friend off. Crashing hard and sleeping in with no solid plans for the next day, we were already amazingly satisfied. However, after a mellow morning wakeup and arriving at the Apron, we decided to climb Calculus Crack. IMO the start via St Vitus Dance was rather poor quality climbing most the way. Calculus was a very nice spot.. 20m of secure fists and hands to a gear belay, up to a near overhanging finger crack... that sure made my day! We ended up continuing on to Memorial and topping out on The Chief for the second time in two days, via the Squamish Buttress. ( Another superb few pitches!) After a couple leads, a couple painful falls arrested by hand and finger jams, and a ton of amazing climbing, my first trip to Squamish came to a close. Safe to say I will be back soon. Gear Notes: Squamish Buttress - Bring a few extra c3s or nuts .. maybe we skimped on the guides recommendation but were kind of stressing as it stayed super thin multiple placements in a row. Angels Crest - Some triples were amazingly useful to sling trees Approach Notes: Most trails were easy to find, Angels Crest was even marked if I recall correct.
  13. Awesome TR, can not wait to get onto some stuff out that way!!!
  14. Trip: Kings Peak - Jester 5.8 120m Vancouver Island Date: 6/14/2012 Trip Report: June 14 - Jester 5.8 120m - Kings Peak Sunny, 5c Overnight, 15c daytime Started the season anxiously, proving to be a little too soon. Leaving from Victoria BC means a 4 hour drive into Strathcona Park to begin the trek, then a 3 hour hike starting around midnight. Route finding was alright although we started following tracks and lost our route toward the end. We happened to meander to the top a meadow, not where we we headed. But then after a little sleep, the sun rose and sure enough we were closer than we thought. After another 45 minutes we were in the ampitheatre. Looking up toward our projected goal.. Tea with her majesty.. there were multiple large cornices looming. Opting for the easiest way out, we headed for the only line up without a cornice above. Climbed 5m up to a nicely slung horn in our boots, then swapped over to shoes and racked up. 3 pitches with mediocre belay ops lead us to a wet and snowy topout. Just kidding, we had to fight our way through a bit of an ice mushroom to gain the summit. Luckily the snow hadnt yet deteriorated too much, as we free soloed the 50m from the rock to the summit. Topped out around 1 or 2 to a bluebird day ahead. The hikers route down proved to be way longer than expected under 2 feet of snow. The round trip from meadow to meadow was about 10 hours. After such a long proving day, the drive home was BRUTAL. Great start to the season Gear Notes: BD .3 to 3 , rack of nuts and hand to fist sized hexes Should have brought crampons and an ice screw or two. Glad I had my axe.. Approach Notes: Trailhead is located down a nice not so often travelled dirt road approximately 18.5 km from the Buttle Narrows bridge. The hike in usually takes about 3 hours.. longer if its under snow and in the dark haha.
  15. TNF Mountain 25 Tent Setup a couple times, brand new condition $300 OBO Mountain Hardwear Subzero SL Hooded Parka Red , Large , Amazing condition $200 Trango Madame Leashless Tools Leashless handles only Extra Picks and hardware $200 Can send photos if interested. Shipping from Victoria BC
  16. North Face Mountain 25 Perfect condition, set up like twice $350 Trango Madame Leashless Hook Tools Extra picks and bolts Good shape $200 MSR Whisperlite Stove Works perfectly, uses white gas, comes with 0.6L bottle, base heat deflector and wind shield $50 On Vancouver Island, but willing to split shipping costs
  17. Mountain Hardwear Sub Zero SL Hooded Jacket Red Large Worn a handful of times, perfect condition $180 Ships from Victoria BC
  18. Purchased in 2010, I bought it from a friend who had not even taken it out of the stuffsack. I used it once car camping in the winter. Im now more involved in rock and have no need for a mountaineering tent
  19. Bump for price drop
  20. The North Face Mountain 25 Perfect condition, never set up on a route Car camped once with it, no wear or tear $350 Located on the Canadian west coast, will ship
  21. After reading up on these, they seemed to suit my bouldering and improving short sport route needs so I was psyched. However, Im an 11.5 sometimes 11 street shoe, my first shoe .. the Scarpa Techno was a 45 and fit perfect, and the largest size available was 43.5 . I had read to size these small as they will stretch a full size since they are unlined. Since getting them in the mail, Ive worn them for about 45 minutes to an hour all together in painful 10 minute sessions or so. I am curious as to how painful a downturned shoe like that should be... there is definitely no standing in these guys even half comfortably which makes me feel like edging is going to be impossible Any advice on fitting aggressive downturned shoes that will occasionally be used for sport routes? sizing aside, these shoes seem top notch. Great heel fit. Seems to be a lot of spare material in the top of the foot, but then again they seemed to have slip lasted these off boomerangs..
  22. pm sent
  23. 1 Locking Biner - $5 9 Bent Gate Biners - $5ea 12 Oval Biners - $4ea 2 Straight Gate Biners - $5ea 1 SMC Figure 8 Descender- $10 Located on the Canadian west coast, shipping extra Make me an offer on it all!
  24. My impression of TNF is that they aim their shells toward sasquatch. Or they are just after a casual fit. Opposed to dead bird, which fits a normal fit person. I generally take a Large in most jackets, but have lots of room in the chest of both of my TNF shells.
  25. this would be great if it wasnt ruined by the full length zip, just adding grams. and those pesky drawcords and wrist adjustments. hope somebody gets the ueli joke..
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