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Everything posted by twitchy

  1. What are chicken McNuggets made of? white meat. Man I could really go for a panda right about now....
  2. Today I saw an add for some sort of lemonade/strawberry concoction offered by McDs. Looks pretty tasty. If I buy one is a poor person going to get fat?
  3. twitchy

    Boot laces

    In all seriousness, though, surely there's someone here who's had to replace their boot laces. Did you just pick something up at a sporting goods store? My REI doesn't stock much cold weather gear outside of ski season, so I'm hesitant to buy some generic 'hiking' laces from there. The original Scarpa laces seem kinda beefy, though admittedly not crampon-proof. I posted this here as it seems like a noob question. Perhaps I should have used the gear subforum instead?
  4. I live on the wrong side of the country and only get to play out West one week a year, so take my advice with a grain of salt.... If you're only going to buy one pair I'd go with something like the BD Sabretooths. Maybe more than needed for routes like Baker's CD and Rainier's DC, but if you ever get the bug to do something steeper you'll be set. I got my pair off GearTrade.com for around $100 and they have the built-in antibotts. I post-holed down Rainier on a cloudless day last July, getting off the cleaver around noon, and didn't have any problems with accumulation.
  5. Cancer = heart failure, 60 = young. I think I'm going to like this place
  6. I blame the smokers. Those damn, dirty smokers.
  7. That's pretty cool. The cigar I'm smoking tonight could have fed the bottom two families for a month! I am getting a kick out of the AdSense on this thread....
  8. I don't know. I think that's better left up to people smarter than me, which there is no shortage of. I've only been aware of this entire situation for a few days now and it just seems like most of the outrage is misplaced.
  9. When my little monster was getting close to wearable I was stoked about getting one of those Kelty carriers from REI. We went in and tried a number of them but ended up using a hand-me-down Graco like this one. It was lighter, more comfortable and overall just less fussy. For the next 6 months she practically lived in that thing, and we logged a good 100 miles of the Appalachian Trail together. One thing it isn't too good for is carrying much cargo, though, so that may be a show stopper for you.
  10. I'm not following you. You're saying if they sell shit (that they didn't manufacture) they will face what all manufacturer's face in regards to liability. That sounds like a "yes" to my original question. IANAL, but it seems to me that if REI does accept fault here they set a precedence to be at fault whenever any equipment sold at their store fails.
  11. I ate McDonald's growing up and just narrowly escaped being force-fed into obesity by that evil clown. Maybe the fact that we only went out to eat a few times a month had something to do with it, I dunno. Parenting is way more difficult than scapegoating.
  12. If REI doesn't appeal, does this make them liable for failures in all equipment they sell or just their house brands?
  13. twitchy

    Boot laces

    I'd like to replace the laces of my Scarpa Invernos this year and I think I broke my google as I just can't seem to find any overpriced, over-engineered, titanium fiber woven laces that double as a bivy sack/mp3 player. wtf? Any suggestions? I figure I could probably just get away with para cord or something but surely some company out there makes something that's guaranteed to improve my foot-boot synergy by 10 pedadynes. No?
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