Old thread, but I love these long johns so much I thought I'd put my story about them.
Way before I got into ice climbing I was wearing these as long johns in the spring on a solo 4x4 camping trip way out in a remote desert area in SW Wyoming. It snowed at night and the next morning it was all melting and filling up all the washes. I had to conduct several stream crossings in my landcruiser in attempt to vacate the area and finally got stuck. I had to wade across the waist deep, near freezing water well over fifty times in order to dig, build winch anchors, run winch cable, etc. I wore no shoes or socks, and only these costco long johns, as everything else I had was cotton. The stream was rising and I was forced to work in the water for several hours. I think the fact that the long johns kept me warm while wet and were able to dry fast is the only reason I didn't get hypothermia and was able to keep working till I got unstuck.
Now I use them every time I ice climb, and if I had another pair, I would cut the legs short and use them for skiing. They stretch well, feel nice on the skin, don't get stinky after a bunch of days, and wick and dry ridiculously fast. Seriously, the best base layer I've used, and way cheap.