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Everything posted by dfhkvs

  1. Where did you shuttle to for Alpine? The usual is Kate's Cut-In, which leaves you not very much uphill at the start...The part of the trail that lies north of that is not all that fun anyway.
  2. Huh, it will be interesting to see the outcome of this. I've been in there several times and never felt particularly crowded. They already limit camping near the popular lakes on the southside and are now going to consider limiting entry. http://www.bendbulletin.com/exports/newsletters/main/4638633-151/forest-service-considers-limiting-use-in-three-sisters
  3. Trip: Washington Pass - Beckey Route, Liberty Bell Date: 7/29/2016 Trip Report: First trip to NCNP in the summer. All I can say is wow. Wonderful hiking for the week and, on the last day, a romp up Beckey Route. Raised on Yosemite granite 20 years and three kids ago, it was great to get out with the wife on beautiful, solid, and fun rock. Can't wait to come back and explore the wine spires and other gems in the Wash Pass area.
  4. Party of two. From parking lot to Hogsback usually takes me 4 hours. From there to top is another 45 min or so. Quick ski down!
  5. we were there 7/11. Great conditions. Old Chute --> Mazama Chute.
  6. Trip: Mt Hood - July 11 - South Route Date: 7/13/2016 Trip Report: Spectacular conditions after a few days of crap weather. Skiing from Crater Rock down zigzag was buttery smooth; best I've ever had on Hood. Still plenty of skiing to be done! We were able to skin nearly from Timberline, albeit through the terrain park (oops). Early enough that it was not a problem. Top of Palmer around when ski camps were firing up for the day. Was blown away by the number of race campers! Have Fun, Dave.
  7. I have heard that chute referred to as '2 o'clock couloir.' How far above timberline lodge until you hit continuous snow? Looking to ski this route next week... D.
  8. dfhkvs

    Mt Hood

    see my report on Snow Dome from last weekend. Good photo there showing conditions. Have more photos if you want.
  9. Explored new territory on the North side of Mt. Hood. Skied Snow Dome, which had amazing conditions. Sort of a cross-training day, with bike and hike approach, followed by plenty of skiing. 26 miles of human powered adventure. Clear highlight was playing around on the Elliot Glacier and its crevasses. Deep and scary. And these were just the 'baby' crevasses. Ok, the bike thing was also a highlight. At least the descent was. The ride up kinda sucked. Gotta remember the cycling bibs next time. Bonus points to Kendra who forgot her cycling shoes and had to ride up with her tennies on little pointy shimano pedals (ow...).
  10. Trip: Mt Thielsen - SW Bowl Date: 5/7/2016 Trip Report: First time skiing this peak. What a great adventure. Very different from the other OR volcanoes. More compact and craggy with a very fun scramble up the summit pinnacle. Conditions were pretty good, if very soft. We were ascending the SW bowl at 9 am, and that would have been the perfect time to have been descending. But, super fun anyway. Wonderful line down the SW bowl, and incredibly fun tree skiing from there to within 1/2 mile of the trailhead. We were astonished to be the ONLY DAMN PEOPLE on the mountain. I mean, I love MSH, Hood, and Adams, but this was a treat. Baffles me why more people don't ski this peak. Go get it while you can this season! We had beers cached in the snow by the car. Exactly ONE was stolen while we were gone. We were torn between 'that sucks' and 'cool, they didn't take them all.'
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