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Posts posted by mzvarner

  1. Heading back up in two weeks. Looking for beta. Im thinking of going up Cadaver gap then up ingraham. Any words of addvice. I want a more direct route then the DC. I hate wasteing time on switch backs.

  2. i have read so many books on it and am all ready a strong rock climber. They had me help out with instructing basic rock climbing (foot work, chimneying, rappeling, etc) i took the class to learn glacier skills, which i already partially knew from the reading. i just learn better from seeing things, bot reading it.

  3. I have learned the basic skills thru a mountaineering course I just finished. However, i dont trust the majority of the people in my class, therefore I am looking for some partners. I have lots of time, and very enthusiastic. Send me a PM if interested. Im wanting to gain real experience ASAP.

  4. still pretty new to trad and multi pitch. made two runs up castle rock in leavenworth. i heard there is big routes around north bend. if so how are the routes and is there a link to were i can check em out... thanks

  5. also, are there times when you would use a single piece like a big ass solid tree and just throw a sling around it and call it good or maybe a huge bomber rock horn or flake, or would you always back it up with at least one piece.

  6. thanks guys. im feeling much better about it now. i spent the morning at the local crag playing around. it is a scary concept to know that my partners and my own life will be hanging from what i build so its good to get some feed back that im not the only one thats a little scared to start with.

  7. So i have read enough books on this topic i should be a pro. im terrified of the thought of hangin off an anchor i have built (not that i place bad pro just scary the first few times.) any good links to building these things for some photos. and how do you guys do it. are you using cordelete ( what im leaning toward) slings the climbing rope, etc.

  8. I am looking for someone that would be willing to help me out with some trad stuff. I did a little bit last year but not much so ould like to get my confidence up. i live in spokane but like to travel. if interested please email me.

  9. I have really only done Stevens peak on the border of Idaho and Montana. A friend AND I going to do Hood here in a few weeks as our first real climb. As for my style, alpine rock is what i want.

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