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Everything posted by aforslund

  1. It's never good to hear about something like this. But, I don't think it has stopped me from wanting to go back to Pakistan. If given the opportunity I would be climbing there in a heartbeat. Good Luck
  2. I think it's great. Would you take your tires back after putting 75,000 miles on them and ask for a new set? If you did Goodyear and the retailer would laugh you out the door. Or, maybe they would shoot you in the face. Businesses outside of the 'Outdoor Industry' require the consumer to be responsible for wear and tear. Why does outdoor retail somehow differ? The retailer should help you contact the manufacturer if there is an issue with a product that falls within the manufacturer's warranty. All products have a life. If you bought it and you break it you broke it. If you buy it and it is truly defective then let the company know and they should make you happy if they made a bad product. Most brands have good warranties. By from a local shop and they will help you get your product warrantied if need be. Good Luck
  3. +1,000 On Western Mountaineering. I love mine and would be hard pressed to find a better bag.
  4. Helium friend heavier than a C4?? Really Layton?? Are you sure?? I just weighed a #1 C4 and it weighs in at 136g without a biner.
  5. I don't have size 15 but I know that Lowa does offer their boots in larger sizes than Sportiva and Scarpa.
  6. The Monster ropes are great. I like their middle mark a lot and the 7.8 at 38g/m is as light as I have found.
  7. I agree with Counterfeitfake. 1) If you have gear with extendable slings it seems like you would want more freedom to let the biner move. 2) Pulling the slings out correctly isn't that difficult. If you have problems properly using gear as it is made and intended perhaps you are in the wrong sport...
  8. aforslund


  9. Deleted
  10. Try lugging a complete Arri 435 five miles into the hills along with gennies and 10k's. Then again that shoot had about 25 people on.
  11. Hmmm... Dunno. Lemme take a look. I've updated my reel but haven't posted it yet. As I am going to give my website a whole new look in the coming months. It may be a compression issue. It may not have gotten deinterlaced before being comprerssed. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. Hi, Longtime lurker on the board. I'm a professional cinematographer and photographer. My gear: Aaton Super16 camera package Beaulieu Super8 crystal synch'd camera package Pana HVX200 Nikon F5 Mamiya C330 Oh I climb too.
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