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Everything posted by stevetimetravlr

  1. Thank Andrew, but way funner to fu k with you brother! Ivan, welcome home to the Beaconwand. Havent seen you since i bailed off that nasty bastard Santian Ledges. I should be rightly humbled but for some reason still feeling good about not sailing off that filthy biatch.
  2. hey steve... does ur dick hang down to ur knees? It does indeed Andrew. and that's when its folded in half. I got to razz you a little, since I've been out at Beacon a bunch lately and aint seen hardly any of the old timers out or hardly any of the regulars either. Not sure where they have gone except to pasture.. Bill, you are right as usual!
  3. Hammering in pins and playing with your wiener does not cut the mustard no mo. Imaginary lines are great but someone has to climb them. if you want to claim first ascent, do it before the second ascent, not after with indignation or its all just USELESS OLD SHIT talking.
  4. That block has always rocked like that. I'd be more worried about the hollow flake on Windsurfer, then that block.
  5. Mass wasting sucks. If you are nervous as a sheep in Ivan's backyard, go to the Dods anchors instead, over to the right.
  6. Intense and scary send! Very impressive.
  7. Not cool Dennis. I'm sorry I even commented on this thread, my apologies to all.
  8. If the shoe fits, wear it.
  9. Nice job Bill! You're an animal.
  10. Chicken shit back stabbing and screwing over the climbing community by a certain individual has contributed to closing off 99% of the routes at Beacon to climbing, but the Oracle is a real shame...? That's a good one. I would say place that bolt at Ozone and don't even think twice about it, it seems to make sense to me.
  11. Can't we just call it Smoke Soup? Same with the Far Zone. Tamatoes...tomatoes...its all good.
  12. Tons of potential on the upper pitches. First two is just getting ya off the ground. The last pitxh is steep and wild, kudos to Ivan for that one.
  13. Ivan and the Norseman
  14. I believe it was PT Barnum who said there is one born every minute..
  15. Oh yes Joe. Everyone else liars and scammers out to wreak havoc and destroy the environment and destroy Beacon Rock. Your little false flag operation is drawing to a close because the climbers got wind of your tactics, got organized, and are working with the State Parks in spite of you.
  16. Ivan leading the second pitch of Stone Soup. Not so contrived!
  17. The climbers are going to have to be migratory to survive this Beacon closure. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history. Keep stoke alive! Kevbone, pull some strings and get some section of Beacon open.
  18. The Swallow may fly South with the sun. Or the House Martin or the Plummer may seek warmer climes in winter. Yet these are not strangers to our land.
  19. Kevbone, I'm not sure you climb enough at Beacon anymore to be a local...Honorary Visitor is more like it, so you may have to take a belay test next visit and show your knots. The wine factor is pretty high also, so no beer for you! I know Adam climbs at Beacon weekly during the season, so I guess he qualifies somewhere up there near Kenny and Ivan. 2 thumbs up for Bill Coe leading the charge. I think Jeff Thomas should have been on the board also, but alas....so us rejects we're in good company.
  20. Evidentally you are not one of them Kevbone. Me neither. Its what comes with being to radical. They don't want us sport climbers bolting up the place.
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