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Jay Chute

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Everything posted by Jay Chute

  1. If you like dodging rocks go for it. You should probably wait for winter or spring. Rock fall is terrible on all aspects right now. i never took rock fall seriously until I got nailed in the wrist with a softball sized rock, dodged watermelon sized rocks and witnessed piano sized rocks calve off of Illumination rock last Sept. Basically anyway you look at it the conditions suck right now and most likely will until winter.
  2. Im Down. How bout June? Bicycles Yes.
  3. Hey Man, Just read the trip report and loved it. Lets do this again! Different mountain, better conditions?
  4. I had a very dangerous experience sunday morning on the easiest climb on the mountain. I fell chest deep into a hidden crevasse with my legs dangling into open space. The hidden bergshrund is on the south climb on the upper old chute to the left of the hogsback and pearlygates. I wouldnt suggest going this time of year. There is a TON of very dangerous rock fall right now. Its not even worth it. Wait for more snow. May through July is a great time to go.
  5. There is a very large and hidden Bergshrung-Crevasse 2/3 of the way up the "Old Chute" or "Mazama Chute" on the South Climb of Hood. This warning should be taken seriously. I fell into it chest deep and arms out to the sides with my legs dangling into open space Sunday morning. When i kicked my right leg up and out to the surface I made the hole that I punched through bigger and saw 20 feet below me a huge Ice piller with deep blackness on all sides of it. There are signs of this bergshrund looking up the chute to the left and they don't indicate how large and open it is under the snow there. THIS IS NOT THE BERGSHRUND ON THE HOGSBACK that is gaping and obvious.
  6. Theres like 5 sick places to climb within an ear shot of eugene. Theres Managerie and Wolf rock but these are not for beginners and take some hiking. Google Turkey Monster and youll find out. Everybody talks about smith but theres lines of people and its far from Eugene.
  7. Dude, I just heard about this secret climbing spot called trout creek on cascade climbers.com. Im totally going to go there and blow it up. I heard its just like bouldering there except you have to use ropes and harnesses and stuff they call "protection."
  8. I want to climb it via the white river snow park from route 26. Its a long aproach but a great ski, snowboard, telly down. I think its about 8 miles round trip. I went half way up this january in styrofoam crunchy conditions so I was making really good time. From that parking lot I think the elevation gain is like 8000 or something. Once you get to 6000 feet theres a beautiful line right to the summit. It looks like Ice Axe and crampons. i cant Imagine finding a place to put an Ice screw but its always a good Idea to bring one.
  9. I live in portland .I would like to come check them out if thats all right.I'll need some doubles for colder longer climbs. My names jay and my number is 971-222-8716. dont hesitate to call im serious. takecare
  10. How did the old chute look!? Ive riden down it in June but id like to do it in winter for better snow conditions. beautiful pictures. I love to ride with skiers who dont have prejudices against snow boarders. If you guys would like an extra person along sometime Im down. I know the mountain intimately and have been to the top a handful of times with one snowboard descent last year from the top. Id kind of like to do sunshine to the top and then down the south side and hitch back around. My names Jay Chute. Enjoy yourfuture adventures.
  11. the old chute used to be the pearly gates in the fourties. the hogs back has moved from the old chute to the pearlygates over the years. There not goin anywhere fast
  12. wait for good weather with no chance of a storm and if conditions are stable I highly suggest riding off the top through the old chute and cut left back over the hogs back and down. Theres a little book called oregon high with great photos of every route on the mountain. After reading the book and then doing your route of choice, all the features will be obvious. At this time of year Avalanche danger is a major concern. Learn how to read snow before you go and where a beacon.
  13. Avalanche.org Its the best rescource
  14. Drive out in the afternoon, post up in tilly jane, rage a fire and stay for free and leave really early in the morning up coopers spur or the sunshine and ski snow board down the south side through the old chute. DUuuhhh!
  15. Anybody up for climbing the south side tommorrow morning? Im going to try and go for a snowboard descent through the old chute. Maybe bring some turkey sandwiches. My familys all back east and the conditions seem perfect.
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