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About kbone

  • Birthday 01/08/1972

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Good guy to deal with! Fast shipping and crampons as described.
  2. Unfortunately I only get to go once a year so I climb in whatever is thrown at me...
  3. So, I was at Linda Ice 9 and the temps were around -35C and my toes were very cold in my leather Scarpa Matterhorns and we had to beg off the climb. I don't want that to happen again so I have been looking for plastic boots on-line. There seems to be a very limited selection available at most retail outlets and that made me wonder... are plastics out these days? Are there other warm options (to -35C) that I should be considering?
  4. I have the purple and black invernos and have climbed in them. I get too much heal lift (common problem for me) so I tried a buddies old AT boots (Koflach Tour Extrem) and was happy that I could crank them down tight(er) and limit the lift.
  5. I am looking for a cheap AT boot to use primarily for Ice Climbing. The leathers were too cold in -31* weather at Linda Ice Nine last week!
  6. PM Sent.
  7. I am looking for some BD Sabertooth Clip crampons or similar. The Makalus are in good shape. A little pilling of the leather on the heels from gaiters and a little bit of wear around the collar but otherwise in very good condition. See attached.
  8. I bought a pair of used Invernos and they ended up too small. They are in good condition - some typical scratches on the shell but no cracks and the liners are great. Tread still looks new. SOLD - shipped - paypal only
  9. www.nau.com Eco conscience clothing company which is going out of business. All of the items are 50% off. Many technical items with an urban twist.
  10. I would be willing to sell these boots (make an offer) or trade for other items. If anyone has a reasonable trade to offer let me know.
  11. ... any of the following La Sportivas: Makalu in 44 Trango S GTX in 44 Glacier in 44 I bought the Makalus off ebay and they are a bit big so I am looking for something that will fit better. The boots are in good condition: the leather needs to be treated, the tread is in excellent condition and the leather around the cuff shows wear. I would be looking for something in similar condition. PM me if interested or if you have any other offers.
  12. pics?
  13. Can you elaborate on the differences?
  14. I wouldn't say I am questioning the rope's integrity as much as I am questioning the veracity of the statement that 5 year old ropes should be retired. If I hadn't read that I would have never given it a second thought to head out to the crag and top rope on it. I am really wondering how much damage time does compared to usage.
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