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  1. Are you trying to tell me a birth defect is evolution???? lol Two-headed calf dies Bland County Messenger Monday, February 5, 2007 Star, a Wythe County calf that achieved a measure of bovine celebrity because she was born with two faces, has died. But it appears her 15 minutes of fame are not over: Today, her body was put aboard a truck headed to a New York taxidermist who will prepare her for display in one of the Ripley's Believe It or Not museums, said Star's owner, Rural Retreat dairy farmer Kirk Heldreth. Heldreth said he found the 37-day-old calf dead, presumably from complications due to her deformity, when he went to the barn Friday morning. "She was laying there like she was asleep," said Heldreth, adding that he had grown unusually attached to the calf as it struggled to survive. "She really wanted to live." Heldreth had been accommodating dozens of visitors and news reporters each day in the weeks following the calf's December birth. Many came to gawk at the young cow, born with one upper jaw and two lower jaws on two partial heads fused together on a single neck. The constant attention prompted Heldreth to name the calf Star. "Every major television network was here," he recalled, "and we had radio reporters from Santa Barbara [Calif.] to London." Todd Day, a spokesman for Ripley's, said the Orlando-based entertainment company has not yet decided at which of its various museums around the nation Star will be put on display. But he said the company, which has a long history of promoting two-headed animals, has hours of footage of the calf while she was alive and will make it available at various sites. Heldreth kept the calf alive by bottle-feeding her, and she ultimately reached 80 pounds. Yesterday, the dairy farmer recalled her as one of the most sweet-tempered calves he has ever raised. "Once she learned to take the bottle, she was no problem at all," Heldreth said. "We birth 300 calves a year, and she's by far one of the best I ever had. She was that sweet. We miss her."
  2. kevbone don't know about everybody else but the video not working.
  3. LOL now that got a laugh.
  4. Seahawks

    Men - Women

    Thats whats going on in spray. "Guys have trouble processing complicated stuff. So keep it simple." Maybe guys just sometimes don't care what they say and are afraid to say that. How men and women can communicate better 10:46 PM PST on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 Do men and women really communicate with each other? University of Sheffield researchers in England found that the problem may have to do with the way men's brains are wired. Video What men hear: Blah, blah, blah... When men don’t listen, some call it the “Yes, dear” syndrome. Call it whatever you want. But men don't always listen to women. "We’re always glazed over, it's just white noise," one man said. "I think sometimes they don't want to hear what we're saying," another said. British researchers found that a woman's voice is more complex than a man's, and those complex sounds take longer for men to process and longer to understand. But there might be even more to it. "Women use a million more words a day than men,” said marriage counselor Sheron Patterson. Unlike men, women view talking as an activity their primary form of communication. "Women are verbal,” Patterson said. “We talk to be affirmed to communicate to bond. It's a chick thing to talk about it and get it off your chest. For men are just: ‘yes, not, that's it.’" For men talking is necessary only to gather information. But listening? “I know what's she's talking about most of the time,” said one man. So here's what you both can do: Women: Guys have trouble processing complicated stuff. So keep it simple. Guys: Pay attention. Often the emotions mean more than the words. From time to time ask a question, and really mean it. Gender differences in communications style even apply to the Internet. Although men log on more than women do, women are greater users of e-mail.
  5. That was my concern as well. My concern was more what the heck a "NUKULAR" bomb was. Is this a Nuclear weapon thats evolved?
  6. Seahawks


    February 3, 2007 - Toledo mother arrested after boy's foot gnawed by pit bull TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - Police have arrested the mother of a four-year-old boy whose foot was amputated after it was mauled by the family's pit bull puppy. Twenty-three-year-old Martina Jennings, of Toledo, is in the Lucas County jail on a felony charge of child endangering. Her bond was set at $5,000. Jennings took her son to Toledo Hospital yesterday because his foot was bleeding and told authorities she saw blood on the dog's face and chest. Doctors amputated the foot. The four-month-old dog was destroyed. Lucas County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon says the boy has no feeling below the waist because of spina bifida, so he did not know the dog was biting him. Skeldon says it would have taken the puppy a long time to cause so much damage with its immature teeth.
  7. So we made them up?? If we came from animals they don't have these. How did we get them?
  8. Well if your refering to evolution neither side can be proved so no point in saying one way is right or wrong. Just wanted to see what your answer was on right or wrong. Is there such a thing? 'Right' and 'wrong' are socio-cultural constructs, correct?, and thus dependent upon the time and the place in which you find yourself. This makes all ethics situational and therefore all ethical constructs are valid at one time or another. Since my theory is as equally valid as yours and can't be disproven, your choice of who is right and who is wrong is only your opinion. Where did those socio-cultural constructs come from? Did one day they just make them up? Not talking about who is right or wrong so much as the concept of right and wrong. I know you want to drag me down that road. I don't know who is right and wrong as I didn't make the rules. Just like you didn't make the rules. is this true? You think right and wrong were made up by individuals in different Socio-cultural constructs? and if so where did the concepts come from?
  9. Looks like all your thoughts were passed down from Jesus himself- I recall all the readings about His teachings, inspiring sermons like: "All you heathens are dumbasses". "Believe in me, you idiot!" In fact, word is that Jesus called Judas an idiot and that's why Judas betrayed him, he was pissed off at Jesus. That was a rebuttal???? Weak. Expected better.
  10. Well, that's a set of questions well matched to your average five year old. And all world's rights and wrongs came from where? The tablets? The book? They both seem a bit short on real estate for that listing. Where does your dog get right and wrong from? How do they know what's right and wrong? Are you god? Tough rhetorical questions which in the end need no answer, unless of course, you are five years old. "Dumbass" indeed... yea there dumb becuase you might have to think. But hell you enjoy darkness in your mind. Yeah what's wrong with you Joseph? Why not "think" about the answers to those questions? In fact, better yet, why not just read the Bible and accept the answers someone else gives you? Pot calling the kettle black.. Where do you think every thought in your mind comes from. I'm sure you made them up. Everything you are was passed down. So don't try to act like I'm some dumb ass when you exist the same way. Idiot.
  11. Well if your refering to evolution neither side can be proved so no point in saying one way is right or wrong. Just wanted to see what your answer was on right or wrong. Is there such a thing?
  12. Have any children Kevbone??? why don't you invite a pedifiler in your house. Let them rape your child. Hell there is not right or wrong. He gets to define what right and wrong to him. Would you think it’s wrong? I would think you would…..I think it’s wrong as well. But it is still just your opinion, and my opinion. Matter of fact it’s probably the majority opinion of the population that rape is “wrong”…..it’s still just an opinion. Don’t try to argue this….you will lose. Okay you call opinion, what ever you want to call it to feel better. Where does this come from? is it made up? Someone look under a rock one day and decided to say child rape is wrong?
  13. Well, that's a set of questions well matched to your average five year old. And all world's rights and wrongs came from where? The tablets? The book? They both seem a bit short on real estate for that listing. Where does your dog get right and wrong from? How do they know what's right and wrong? Are you god? Tough rhetorical questions which in the end need no answer, unless of course, you are five years old. "Dumbass" indeed... yea there dumb becuase you might have to think. But hell you enjoy darkness in your mind.
  14. He has his theory of ethics. You have yours. What's wrong with that? They're both theories, right? In your view, all theories are equally valid. Ergo, there should be no prisons either. So are you saying there is no right and wrong???
  15. Seagal you've been around Kevbone to long, spewing shit that doesn't even make sense.
  16. Have any children Kevbone??? why don't you invite a pedifiler in your house. Let them rape your child. Hell there is not right or wrong. He gets to define what right and wrong to him.
  17. There's one right there Seahawks! One of those godless, immoral Hitler-in-trainings! What should we do? I'm scared. Do what ever you want, im not responsible for you. Only you.
  18. according to you there is no end so what the hell do you care? Don't try to tell me your a perfect athiest. But hell being an athiest there is no right or wrong. So perefection is in the eye of the beholder. Do you beleive in right or wrong?? where does right and wrong come from??? who defines it??? Why the fuck is anyone in jail then. Dumbass.
  19. bullshit. you can try to "define down deviancy" all you want, but I ain't drinking the Kool-Aid. We've got a thread here with a bunch of self-righteous, atheist religion bashers spewing off their fucking bullshit as if *they* have some answer. What answer is that, pray tell? we are accidents of nature destined to be nothing but worm food? Your life and consciousness is snuffed out, end of story? yeah real inspiring. and all the more so, when it is accompanied by obvious pain and escapism - including excessive hallucinogenic drug use. I'm so inspired by this hopeful message, and the obvious happiness of its purveyors. Truly we must all "evolve" to think this way, and make appropriate, concomitant, "liberating" choices in our life that will make us oh so much happier. just look how happy it makes its proponents who are so sure of their beliefs that they react with explosive vitriol at any suggestion that God exists. and as for those crazy Christians we keep hearing about - trying to "force" everyone to believe... Sorry, but I don't see anyone here giving sermons trying to convert and force their beliefs. the only zealots I see here are the hate-filled atheists. Finally some common sense. How many posts to get there. No sense in arguing with them. They have made up there minds to be hate filled. Little Hitlers in the making.
  20. They probably do this: The University of New South Wales' school of anatomy in Sydney had its license to conduct anatomy classes revoked after an audit revealed remains were sexually interfered with and piled together in coffins. Fred Hilmer, a professor at the university, said a senior member of the medical faculty had stood aside, one employee had resigned and processes were continuing in relation to two other staff members. Police are investigating claims about the mistreatment of cadavers, including fondling of breasts and vaginas, and using a head for degrading purposes, Fairfax newspapers reported today. The audit also revealed serious problems with labeling and storage of cadavers. Hilmer said the identities of staff members who came forward last October with allegations about the mishandling of body parts would be protected under the Protected Disclosures Act. Hilmer said he was taking the issue seriously and the surgical skills laboratory involved in the scandal remained closed. The university's Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Richard Henry said while no formal contact had yet been made to the families of body donors, he did have a message for them. "We'd like to apologize for any distress those families are suffering at the moment,'' Henry told ABC Radio. "The difficulty is we are still trying to fully understand what happened. "We are caught in the balance of not wanting to unnecessarily concern the families and at the same time we don't want to fail to apologize.'' The university was still in the process of identifying which bodies had been involved but once that was done, it would personally contact relatives, he said. Henry denied that the university had known about the allegations for three years. Henry said the university had no interest in making the supervisor, who stands accused of overseeing the mislabeling of body parts, or anyone else a scapegoat. The university planned to upgrade the laboratory, which is used to train surgeons rather than medical students, who use an unrelated facility at the campus, and microchip body parts, he said. "The university will not reapply for the anatomy license governing the lab until it is satisfied that all of these issues have been addressed.''
  21. Seahawks

    Dumb ass!!

    No we just have to look at this picture and say dumb asses.
  22. Seahawks

    Never again

    well maybe a beer with it.
  23. Seahawks

    Never again

    "I love animals, they taste great" Love that bumper sticker. That figures, appealing as it does to low IQ's. Your other favorite probably is the Calvin pissing decal. Nothing better than nice juicy steak.
  24. Seahawks

    Dumb ass!!

    Another Dumb Ass. like this "but the coroner's office Monday was unable to say why he fell..... he had 0.23 blood-alcohol level. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Southern California kicker Mario Danelo was drunk when he plunged over a cliff to his death, but the coroner's office Monday was unable to say why he fell. A toxicological report accompanying Danelo's autopsy report found he had 0.23 blood-alcohol level, nearly three times the legal limit in California. No drugs were detected in his body, the report said. The autopsy report said the cause of death was multiple traumatic injuries, but "because of the unanswered questions, we are stating the manner of death as undetermined," Deputy Medical Examiner Jeffrey Gutstadt of the Los Angeles County Coroner's office wrote in the report. Danelo, 21, was found Jan. 6 more than 100 feet down a rocky cliff in San Pedro. Police said from the outset that foul play was ruled out and his death was either an accident or a suicide. Following Danelo's death, several Southern California players said they were convinced the kicker did not take his own life. A USC spokesman declined to comment about the coroner's report. Danelo's brother, Joey Danelo, was not immediately available for comment. The report also couldn't ascertain what Danelo's state of mind was before his death but he "would have had to scale a wall to get to the strip of land before the steep drop-off of approximately 150 feet while under the influence of alcohol." Danelo made 15 of 16 field goals this season and led the Trojans in scoring with 89 points. He made two field goals in the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day to help USC beat Michigan 32-18. He missed two field goals in his two-year career at USC, going 26-for-28, and he was 127-of-134 on extra points. He set NCAA single-season records with 83 extra points and 86 attempts in the 2005 season. Danelo, the son of former NFL kicker Joe Danelo, was a walk-on at USC in 2003 and received a scholarship two years later.
  25. And we rather you stopped showing us yours. Go find your G-spot, unless you had it cut off.
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