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Posts posted by rmncwrtr

  1. I made it the first day. Half way through day 2. The no sugar/M&Ms is the hardest. I've had a headache all day.


    Best part is the kids love the meals I made yesterday, especially the green curry last night. I'm doing one of the recipes in the book tonight. It's a steak rub. Not too keen on the coffee grounds in it (prefer tea), but it has unsweetened cocoa so I'm in!

  2. no, but post the links and i'll take a look! we can have a contest.




    I bought the book, so I could have it in one place. Deadline time and can't afford to be looking on line to figure things out, but a lot of people just use the website.


    You can't step on the scale for the 30 days. I like that part of it a lot ;)


  3. Anybody doing the Whole 30 program by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig?


    John Frieh told me to check out the book It Starts With Food by them. I preordered and arrived yesterday and today is my first day on the program. It's strict with no grains (though they tweeted me this morning that a communion wafer was okay!), sugar, alcohol, but I ate similar when I was nursing my youngest who had severe food intolerances. I ended up weighing less than I had in college and feeling great. I fell off the wagon when she stopped nursing at age 2 1/2. It was really easy for me to eat this way when she paid the price for my lapses so I know this is going to be tough when it's just me.


    Was wondering if anyone had any tips, etc? There's a website and forum, but I'm on deadline and don't have time to wade through a lot of stuff right now. Thanks!

  4. Jared was my climbing partner and a great guy. He was a talented photographer and a whiz with technology. He was an infrequent poster here on CC. I weep for his wife and two young children. I'll miss him.


    So sorry, Hampton. Hugs. I visited Jared's website. Really enjoyed looking at his photographs. My condolences to you, his wife, kids, family and friends.

  5. Oh, Sobo! Just saw this. So, so sorry, my friend. Having gone through this twice in the past few months, I know there really are no words. My heart hurts for you. Phydeaux was an awesome cat. A lucky one to have you love him and take such good care of him. Hugs and more hugs. :kisss:

  6. Aw, thanks so much for the birthday shout-out, Sobo. :kisss: It's been a very sad week, but this puts a big smile on my face. Really, really appreciate it :)


    Thanks Bill, Feck and Off-White! You guys are great. :kisss:


    cc.com holds a special place in my heart. Without it, my Mount Hood series wouldn't exist!

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