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Posts posted by i_like_sun

  1. Muffy, damn....


    My first diagnosis of this overtraining thing was "Irritable bowl syndrome". Because my metabolism had slowed so much (2.5% body fat) I was only pooping like, every third or fourth day! Jeeze that sucked...


    I'm trying to figure this life thing out still. Because it does come down to personality and stress patterns. I've always "used" exercise to relieve stress, even if I am super run down and exhasted - like after midterms, when I'm buzzed to the max, I'm [starving] etc... what do NORMAL people do? Um, probably relax. Me? I decide to go do heavy squats till I puke... Then I crash and burn for an entire week. Its such a bloody waste.

  2. Yes :) Lets write a book ;)


    for reals, everytime i start training hard and thinking i am going to get something going and i am going roxor... i get injured or violently ill. i am thinking the universe is telling me something. not really sure what. but it's something.


    the title of our Cult should be


    "how to ecxell at being mediocer"


    and our research can start with "the Theory of Good enough"--some lady already wrote that book ;)


    Ok, so this is my third post in a row.... what the hell...


    Yeah, I did it AGAIN last week! I was workin' out consitantly every day, feeling stronger and more energetic every few days. Then come Wednesday afternoon, I decide that a super tough Eliptical workout is a fantastic idea (this is after 40 min. of lifting plus 20 minutes of swimming). Yeah not so much. I used to get away with carelessly pushing my body as hard as possible..... but not after what happened a few months ago..


    Now I've been screwed for like 5 days.... idiot...


    We could title the our book "How To Stop Fucking Up"




    How much do you eat?



    I eat a lot, and I am not thin by any stretch of the imagination.

    I've seen you in real life and you're right, you don't look thin. You look solid and healthy! :tup:



    Arch, you mean people from this site are "real"? I'm not convinced...

  4. I've been pretty depressed lately because my PT told me not to run or even pool jog til my achilles tendonitis went away. Running is my stress outlet and with midterms here I'm going crazy. i envy everyone who is getting to do cardio right now. Biking feels good again though, and i'm swimming laps today... but nothing is as good as running. i love it.



    Oh Mythos, I certaily feel the pain! My doc. told me "not to exercise for a month" back in December..... yeah.... whatever.....


    I've been in [the] pool too! I've found it to be super nice after lifting.. It cools you down and just feels "theraputic".


    Have a great day!

  5. Yeah, my house buddy just bought one off of eBay, and he seems to think its the damn funniest thing since toilet paper!


    Everytime someone comes over, he sneakily disapears for a few minutes, then jumps out with this little black box that makes a sound that only Satan himself could appreciate.


    He also startles people in the middle of the night who walk by a 1:00am.


    BLLuuhhhhhh..... :eveeel::lmao:

  6. I'm still a massive fan of LOTS of chocolate.... hey, it fights free oxygen species!


    I also think the blender can be a really good buddy:


    simple shake

    20g whey protein powder


    1c 1% milk


    .5 banana or 1/4 c raw oats


    3tbs peanut or almond butter


    3 tbs. wheat bran (this will make your poos super healthy!)


    Its around 550 - 600 Kcals, is low glycemic, full of protein, and the mono and poly unsaturated fats in nut butters have been shown in studies to directly stimulate the Leydig cells in the testes....which means: TESTOSTERONE! Or, if you are female, I guess estrogen synthesis.... haven't read the female studies yet...

  7. Assholes in the gym who go and try to squat 400 pounds with scary-shitty form, then leave the weights sitting on there for me to take off...


    Skateboarders (only the bad ones)


    Shitty little kids on "Razor Scooters"




    Bellevue punks driving H2's


    My dad

  8. SLAYER.....


    Or, breath breath breath. Live live live. Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up Don't fuck up....

  9. I annoy that crap out of myself... I say every day "%^**)OO, what the hell man? Why did you DO that?! YOU IDIOT!"


    It also pisses me off royally when my damn house buddy doesn't clean the frying pan (and floor) after spattering butter grease everywhere in the mornings..... the Bastered..



  10. The most recent theory I heard was if you want to be a great climber you either need to be a shorty or really tall. The worst thing you can be is average height.


    I'm about average height. :cry:



    Naahh. I'm like 5' 11' (average) and I don't suck TOO bad.... I'd be way better if I didnt' rebel so much against indoor climbing though.


    You might be right though... I know a dude whos like 300 feet tall, lanky and scawny as shit, and he f - kills it!


    Nother dude: A 2 1/5 foot short, fat shit, who also KILLS it.


    I show up looking all normal and such and people expect me to be a super karly bouldering freak........ then I do my pathetic little dance and basically show how much I suck.



  11. OH Muffy.......


    Do you want to start a spiritual cult with me?


    No, seriously, I too am realizing that the only really important thing IS taking the time to smell the flowers and melt into happiness at the sweetest and simplest things. Like BUTTERFLIES! Although I am still experiencing a massive and debilitating case of testosterone poisoning, I can see myself [hopefully] relaxing one day and actually having FUN. I don't quite know how my idea of "fun" got morphed and twisted into "fun = starving and suffering", but the injury cycle does seem to have pattern qualities.


    I'm super stoked that you are finding that authentic self too! My authentic self seems to have run off on an affair... leaving me going "WTF?!" Because I'm having to recreate a human being out of this wasted mess...



  12. Steel cut oats with flax seeds, grade B maple syrup or sunflower seed butter, whatever fruit is around (usually bananas or frozen berries). You can also add nuts to it...I like cashews or almonds




    juiced apple, orange, carrots, grapefruit, ginger, spinach, with protein powder. (basically whatever fruit is around)


    Finally, another granola hippie!


    When I'm super active I cant' stomach the knarly grease in the mornings.... it'll just end up back on the counter...


    I like the whole oatmeal with whey protein powder, flaxseed, almonds, honey, cinnamon and whatever other super high calorie stuff you can think of.


    Either that, or just copious quantities of dark chocolate and thermos esspresso...... nothing works better than pure adrenal carnage to get you up a glacier at 1:00am! :hcluv:

  13. Gym climbing rules! I've never been so unscared of taking a fall!


    Yeah, I've actually been more injured gym climbing than outdoors (thats probably because I'm WAY more cautious though).


    I fell 16 feet at the Gardens once, and strained my leg super bad... that sucked, but it wasn't boring!

  14. Muffy!


    I feel your pain! I've had I think 7 major orthopedic injuries....(at least 1 broken bone in every extremity, and 4 in my torso) all of which drove me INSANE. I do think however that when the cast comes off and you start to "do yar thang" again, you'll be super happy and fit! I've always come off of the injury train better, happier, and way more greatful for health than before.


    Actually, as you've probably gathered from my overtraining rambles, injuries in the past have saved my ass from what I'm dealing with now: SPINE-BREAKING HEART STOPPING BURNOUT! Yeah, being broken before basically forced me to rest. Now I'm trying to figure out how to be human again, and get healthy [without] snapping my wrist, ankle, arm etc...


    Jesus I have a terrible rambling problem!



  15. Why does gym climbing seem to suck so much? I just dont' have any motivation to get on the wall consistantly.......its SOOOO boring!


    As such, my boldering skills are tumbling away...


    Is this even Spray?

  16. So, seeing as I have first hand access at the college life diet, I though I'd throw some visual experiences I've had on here:


    1) Spam in milk for breakfast

    2) Dorritos in milk for breakfast

    3) Tuna fish in milk for breakfast

    4) Ketchup on ruffles, for breakfast

    5) Melted ice-cream on Cherrios, for breakfast (this one actually looked pretty good)


    Wait, thats all breakfast foods..... anyway, not very futuristic...

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