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Posts posted by i_like_sun

  1. I keep meaning to get into yoga classes. Just haven't found the time yet.


    Muffy, if you climb you are athletic enough for me! Frankly I don't think it matters how [good] you are at an activity, just that your smile is SUPER MASSIVE!


    The stess thing is a fantastic point. Yoga sounds like the perfect way to come down from a high horse, not squats and deadlifts!

  2. I dont' stick to percentages. Basically I just eat what I want, when I want. I have a basic "guideline" that I follow, but nothing is cement.


    I definately prefer to eat alot more protein, and less carbs and fat. However, I just took it to the extreme last summer and got way too lean. Now I just try to listen to my body way better...


    For gaining muscle, carbs are essential I believe. Simply because insulin is so anabolic. Also, when the brain is deprived of enough glucose (even miniscule amounts such as when starving on the way out from a climb) thinking actually gets rewired. Basically, what I've read says that carbs are important for proper use of the cerebral cortex, and not the limbic system. That could partially explain why anorexia is such a hard disease to beat: the brain simply cannot function enough to tell itself that it is starving!


    As for ZMA and creatine, my proff at school is actually the researcher who developed ZMA, and creatine simply has 1000's of studies that show it works. I don't get dehydrated very often.... I drink roughly 5 Nalgenes per day.


  3. Actually, I just realized that Spray could prove a useful study tool! I could be banging away in the lab and go "***bing*** oh shit, I bet Archenemy knows the answer to this!"

  4. Yes, it does. The difference between training and overtraining is the [magnitude] and length of the Cortisol release.


    When you exercise (in men) Testosterone levels jump to the occasion. Testosterone is anabolic to muscle tissues, and also increases fat burning by speeding up certain metabolic reactions. However, after a while, usually around 40 min. of high intensity exercise, testosterone levels drop, and Cortisol (the stress hormone) takes over.


    Cortisol releases fatty acids and glucose for energy, but it also breaks down muscle protein. And that is bad.


    When exercise is done within a range that the body can adapt to, it actually has very potent anti-inflamitory effects. Mild cortisol release is actually an ingeral component to life - without enough of it you would die (its part of the adaptation response). Also, type of exercise have different effects. Endurance tends to elicit longer, lower grade levels of cortisol and not so much muscle building testosterone. Strength training, especially BIG movements like squats and deadlifts, elicit way more testosterone and in the end a greater magnitude of cortisol (but you don't do power lifts as long as you jog for). Basically, you want some cortisol release in response to training. Thats how the body makes changes. Some research says that a 30% rise in post-training exercise is ideal for maximizing the adaptive response. Because of the hormonal response, that is partially why strength training is far superior to endurance training for maximizing body composition and building muscle.


    Just look at Olympic sprinters. Not factoring in their genetic tendancy to have stacked muscle (myostatin) they do a lot of power lifts in their training. They want as much testoserone as possible to build as much fast twitch muscle as possible.


    Is that a long enough ramble for you guys? I could go longer.....

  5. Potenticolori-wha?? Now I know why I avoided chemistry. :crazy:



    Hey Sherri, yeah, definately a good move on avoiding chem! I think everyone just has their own idea of what is interesting.


    I've been avoiding english lit. forever, and dont' plan on changing that..... numbers are just cooler than idiots like us Spray folk rambling.


    Drawing and painting are cool though.

  6. Then I'll be done with nearly 10 years of school and fall into the category of "bum status".


    No way. We need heart disease and cancer. This society would crumble otherwise!


    The drug companies have it GOOD. Just think, basically everything they produce works on symtoms of problems or problems that could be solved with ONE single drug: exercise!


    I read a primate nutrition study a while back that showed that "active monkeys" stay lean and healthy no matter what they ate. Whereas the sedentary monkeys who were fed a "heart healthy diet" still all got heart disease and cancer and all died. The number one factor that would solve the health crisis in this country would be to reduce total INFLAMATION! ie. exercise and stress reduction - also, because exercise has inhibitory affects on appetite, the obesity epidemic would go away.



  7. Why the hell do we need guns? umm simple, its not 1873 anymore! We don't!


    Theres no stupid drunk dude on horsback wanting to kill us anymore. McDonalds is.

  8. Colorimetric, today. Photometric was last Tuesday (% absorbance from an unkown Nickel Complex).


    My calculations got jacked becuase I ended up with a 70% water mass in my complex. The empirical formula was perfect....almost - [Ni(en)4 (H2O)34 (SO)4] See something wrong?????? Theres no way theres 34 waters attached to Nickel Ethylenediamine! Theres only space for 6 at a time! WTF?


    When in doubt, blame a pre-med.


    Yeah, you pretty much CAN blame us pre-medies for everything! For the most part we are just a bunch of assholes trying to fuck each other over so we get the highest GPA possible... For that reason alone I don't trust doctors!


    I'm not a super high achieving pre-meddy though.. I'm not even sure my GPA will allow me to get into school. I'm just a massive nerd who likes to suffer, thats all.

  9. I tend to be pretty low carb too. However, I went in to see Dr. Emily Cooper at Seattle Performance Medicine, and I did a series of metabolic tests. She checked my resting and exercising BMR along with my % gas exchange (to see what energy source my muscles are using). The tests showed that I was at a 20% protein metabolism... this number should be more like 8-12%. So I am eating more carbs these days. (plus, sufficient insulin is important for I-GF1, a major controller of lean tissue growth)


    I'm sorta eating like this:

    Breakfast (8am): 1/2 c oats with 1c blueberries, 3Tbs. flaxseed and 20g whey protein stirred in. Multi-vitamin.

    [600 ish Kcal]


    "Lunch" (I eat all this between the hours of 11:00-2:30 ): 1c nonfat [plain] Nancy's Yogurt, w/ 2tbs whey protein stirred in

    1/2 c raw almonds

    2 Slices Ezekiel Toast (with nothing on them)

    1 Apple

    [920 ish Kcal]


    Exercise (usually): Short cardio warm up, full body resistance rutine (focus on core; also supposed to keep the HR low for the next month or so), ended with a short swim or light cardio cooldown (on top of that I probably walk 1 - 2 miles per day)


    Post Exercise "smoothy": 20g protein whey protein, 1 small banana, 1 -2 tb peanut butter, 2tbs wheat bran, 5g creatine monohydrate

    [300 ish Kcal]


    Typical Dinner: 5oz turkey breast, 1/2 c black beans, sliced tomato, jalapeneos, red leaf lettuce, TONS of homemade Salsa (Jalepenio, tomato, cilantro, lime, pepper), all wrapped up in a Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Tortilla with 1 Tbs. Olive oil rubbed into it.

    [600 ish].


    Before bed: 1c hot 1% milk, or a piece of fruit (ie. apple). ZMA (zinc-mag combo)

    [around 100 - 150 Kcal]


    Totals: Between 2300 and 3000 Calories, depending on my activity for the day. Sometimes it can get PACKED away... My metabolism is insanely fast. If I don't eat [more] than 2000 a day, man, I lose weight FAST!


    Woooh, I can't believe I just posted this..... I'm like one of those teenage girls who wants to tell you EVERYTHING they ate today! Just got on roll I guess...

  10. Can someone tell me WHY, oh WHY, I am posting spray on my laptop in the middle of a 2 hour chemistry lab???


    Its called addiction. We all have it.



    I TOLD YOU climbers all have addictive personalities! :rawk:

  11. That could be the case...... it still doesn't make sense though. I put aqueous Nickel Ethylenediamine in a dual exray absorbometer and found the % absorbance of actual nickel to be 0.085. Now thats pretty small, but it just means that it was a very dilute solution...


    From a calibration curve I made with 5 standard solutions, I could calculate the actual number of moles I was dealing with. From that, I calculated the mass % of each nickel, water, and sulfate ion. Then, I could come up with the empirical formula...


    Its weird, the data and calculations look solid....... just super F*****ed, thats all.

  12. Colorimetric, today. Photometric was last Tuesday (% absorbance from an unkown Nickel Complex).


    My calculations got jacked becuase I ended up with a 70% water mass in my complex. The empirical formula was perfect....almost - [Ni(en)4 (H2O)34 (SO)4] See something wrong?????? Theres no way theres 34 waters attached to Nickel Ethylenediamine! Theres only space for 6 at a time! WTF?

  13. Can someone tell me WHY, oh WHY, I am posting spray on my laptop in the middle of a 2 hour chemistry lab???


    I really should get to my acid-base titrations.... :noway:

  14. Yeah, its a little black box that makes an extremely high pitch shrieking sound. Supposed to sound like someone is getting raped....


    Its insanely funny!

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